"Squirming Nasty Cockroach Men, Now on Every Week!"

I noticed that tonight there is yet another episode of "To Catch a Predator" on NBC's Dateline. I'd written a blog post about the practice of television network shaming a couple months ago, and I'd like to address a few other things in light of NBC's programming approach here.

First of all, is it the thinking of NBC execs that doing this on a regular basis would actually put a dent in criminal molestation? That by sending correspondent Chris Hansen out to bait more of these guys, many of them would stop for fear of walking into the trap? I mean, I really don't know the answer to that question. I do know that unless any given individual does not allow Christ to take out his sin, he is always prone to do all kinds of wretched things. A proficiently wide-spread "Scarlet Lettering" can't change that. Any one molester who Chris Hansen can't stop will still destroy the life of someone.

Furthermore, what will NBC execs do when enough people who'd make up their core audience for such a regularly scheduled program stop watching the show--just get tired of it and turn to another program Wednesday nights? Will they keep to their presumed commitment to expose these guys? I don't think so. This tends to tell me that NBC is behaving just like any Catholicist public relations operation would. Find the conflict (it's not hard--they've helped stir it up to begin with), stick a camera in its face, and see if people watch it and buy the products advertised through it (I wonder how much product placement is happening there).

Lastly, when NBC pulls the plug, what happens then? What happens with the cockroach men when they know nobody's paying attention anymore? Oh, some of them will get nabbed by the police, but it seemed to me that most of the guys in the brief bit I saw would consider a jail cell "Club Med" compared to the glaring spotlight.

It's a bit different when that Light is Christ. Interesting, when someone has that Light shone upon them, they'll run back deep into the darkness, just like they long to do when found out on "Predator."

But the difference with this Light is that they may, they just may let that Light sear off their pretense and pride. Then they'd be healed. Fully. Never again even remotely taken by the bait. Oh, and yeah, they'd see, too. They'd see how much they've been set up, and leave the game altogether. They'd find the Kingdom, and wouldn't even be close to the bait anyway. The Catholicist Society likes him to be suckered in, it's great television.

Jesus sets Him free.

Why Jesus? What is the big deal with Him? Could He really do that?


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