Why Jeremiah Cried

Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet. He so viscerally told of the way things were going in Jerusalem that it brought him to tears. And not just a few drops, but an entire fountain, as it says there in chapter nine. At least the grief caused him to feel like sobbing as much.

Why did he feel this way? It was simple.

He had to confront adulterous people. People who once said they'd be faithful, and later became prostitutes. To whom were they betrothed? None other than God Himself. To whom did they solicit themselves? The majestic and exalted Legacy of Cain. God grieved over this Himself, and said to His beloved Jerusalem, "You may have him." What is phenomenal is that all the while He promised, "But I will win you back."

I feel quite a bit like Jeremiah today. It is 9/11. The Anniversary. And all I see is grief. Lots and lots of grieving. As I feel as I do, I grieve also. But I must say that I grieve more as Jeremiah did. I so want to tell people what's going on, but so many are so attached to their beloved Rome that they just can't get it. I wrench inside whenever I hear Roman officials--the president, the news anchor, even the innocent non-profit relief director-- talk about what happened and how much we should all sear the mythology into our souls.

It's all a game. And I feel it like Jeremiah did.

On television tonight is the second part of The Path to 9/11, the controversial docudrama about the events that led up to the attacks. I only saw the first hour of last night's installment because I just couldn't take the camera's ragged movement and shifting angles every two seconds. It was as if it was made for those with Parkinson's disease. But I think I can guess how the rest of it went. A bunch of police, security, FBI, CIA, Federal, and Executive Office agents bumbling around (but valiantly so, we should add) while a bunch of Middle Eastern punks took them all for the lives of 3,000 people.

What a game. What a show.

Just look at the news coverage of how incensed the Clintonian Democratic leadership was about the "untruthful" portayal of their efforts to go after the terrorists. It was as if it was too pronounced, as if it was specifically designed to force people's attention on how jobbed the Clinton people were, as if that meant the tiniest of bean slivers.

What a grand spectacular put-on.

What's funny is that with this blog post I intended to urge you to watch instead Loose Change and actually ask yourself some real questions. I still urge you to see it, but I thought I'd point out that even Time magazine has caught on, and this week has officially denied its imprimatur. It's all just conspiracy myth, according to Time, even though it can't factually back up any of its own dismissals, saying mostly, "Couldn't this other thing we all tell you actually happened have actually happened?"

The cool thing, really, is that Loose Change is getting attention in Cain's major newsweekly mouthpiece. How about that. They are a bit chafed, I see.

Time concludes by saying that so many believe in these conspiracy theories because we all have a need to find some overarching meaning in significant events, or as the magazine puts it, "to have the magnitude of any given effect be balanced by the magnitude of the cause behind it."

My response to that is a simple, "So?"

In fact, the only way anything of magnitude can happen is because there was some cause of magnitude. To believe otherwise is to have one's head firmly planted in the ground. This "can't you just accept the lone gunman theory" response is precisely what someone running from something would say. Someone who must make excuses for the wickedly murderous things that supposedly must be done in the name of building a magnificant mythology. Someone who is being paid handsomely by the rulers of evil.

Tupper Saussy called it "catastrophizing the imagination." I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe the events of 9/11/01. Funny, the The Path to 9/11 opened with "Here's how it really happened." Nah. It really should have said, "Here's what we want you to continue to believe was how it happened."

Want to know how all of it really happened? Read Saussy's book Rulers of Evil. There you'll see the origins of all the players in the Grand Catholicist Show. The leaders, the agents, the rebels, the promoters-- you'll see it all.

Unless you want to stay wrapped up in the mythology and keep that spinning, seething, scraping catharsis going real good. A lot of people will.

They'll stay in the adultery.

And when I see stories of their grief showcased as if they were some perverse "reality" photo-ops, stories about the grief over their loved ones sacrificed on the altar of the Legacy, I just feel it like Jeremiah did. I so weep for them. They're still ones God longs to come to Him.

God doesn't give up on anyone. Sometimes, however, all the machinations can be just a bit much to take. It is these times I thank God for the lodge. Check it out. Read the ninth chapter of the book of Jeremiah to find out what I mean.

Who do you think the Lodge is? I think I know.


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