No Kidding - Roman to the Core

Have you seen this? It is a photograph featuring U.S. President George Bush, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts leaving St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington D.C. where, every October before the Supreme Court begins its term, they hold the "Red Mass."

This particular picture is dated in 2005 (and exhibited on the White House's own website), but I'd first heard about this event just recently after its 2006 service, having no clue that it had been held every year for the past 50 years to honor those in the legal profession. I'll say. There's the law right there. Apparently some form of it has been held, however frequently, for eight centuries.

There it is. Roman prosecutorial preeminence in all its glory. There they are. The highest ranking law enforcement officials in the World (at least the most visible ones), all together, celebrating their authority to kick the behinds of anyone who jerks them around.

It is called the Red Mass supposedly because of the color of the papal judges' vestaments. I can think of another reason it has that sobriquet. I just can't think it doesn't have at least a little to do with all the blood these officiants must spill to carry out "justice."

And as much as I see what the World is really about, it still just floors me that so few see this and can make even the teensiest relevant comment about it. Oh some say, "Harumph, separation of church and state, blyeahh..." Does everyone know this and still they shrug? Have I just been paying so little attention all these years?

I'm not for two seconds saying a thing against it. It's what they do. I just wonder why so few know it, and also know Christ, and touch people with the Kingdom in light of this horror? Do so many have no clue? Do they have a clue and just don't care?

Ahh-um. Doh. Forgot. They are all a part of it to begin with. What was I thinking.

Is the U.S. merely the contemporary manifestation of expansive Roman hegemony?

No kidding.

A bit more on this concept is here.


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