Navy Seals of the Culture War

The Navy Seals are the crack military operatives who are the most highly trained to go after whatever needs fixing in the most dangerous situations. In looking at the way the World works, it is obvious that each of the World's Culture War factions has its own Navy Seals crew, ready to take on their opponent's offensive agendas.

A classic example came up recently when a former NBA player "outed" himself, announcing that he was gay, and another former player, Tim Hardaway, made remarks about how he hated homosexuals and didn't want anything to do with them. Naturally, the Radical Selfist Navy Seals went to work on this.

"How intolerant! How bigoted! How whatever-whatever!" They used their most potent weapons, widely broadcast censure and social ostracism. Any time I see this, I long for the conversation I'd like to have with them.

"So Tim Hardaway's comments were intolerant?"

"Yes of course!"

"Isn't your strident censure and insistence on some form or ostracism a form of intolerance?"

"Well yeah, but it's justified."


"Because homosexuality is a fine thing!"

"Oh? Why?"

See this is where they get stuck, and precisely why the Radical Selfist's always push the war into the battlefield of tolerance. It makes them sound so above the fray. What they don't realize is that by endorsing homosexual behavior, whether they are homosexuals themselves or not, they are enabling people to engage in behavior that destroys them. It is indeed another form of human sacrifice.

Yes, sexual sin is just another form of human sacrifice. It is indeed a bit more subtle and incremental than the full-on slashing-the-heart-out-of-a-slave-atop-the-Aztec-temple, but it is human sacrifice nonetheless. It involves nothing less that consuming a part of another's value for the purpose of one's personal spiritual gratification.

For the Devout Romanist's part, their Navy Seals are hard at work as well, launching into expansive diatribes against the evils of homosexual behavior. While Tim Hardaway's comments were sincere, they were also tremendously boorish. Great for condemnation, and for stirring more hatred among the homosexualist camp.

You can even see a microcosm of this at work in what's going on in the Anglican Church today. Take a peek at what's going on there. One side is all about "inclusion" while the other side is about "respect for the tradition." In other words, inclusion means institutionally embrace homosexuals and their homosexual behavior, and tradition means deny them the communion. Because the whole organization is hopelessly of the World, they haven't a clue what to do.

So we've got lots of raging Culture War violence. Macro and micro-- it's a pandemic. Lot of condemnation from all sides. Lots of gratification for everyone who feels they've got it off their chest... aaahh...


Now what?

When's the next round going to start? As it is the Navy Seals are back into intensive training. The Romanist ones are out there working on some further strategy to stop homosexuality and homosexualism (which, by the way, is merely the endorsement of homosexuals being permitted to do their thing) and the Selfists are out there zealously enlisting all World institutions (notably the government and the media) to snuff out any hint of objection (so much for "tolerance")...

Does no one want reconciliation with the One who'd make them whole altogether? Does no one want to actually have truth and grace in their lives and interactions? Does no one want resolution to their conflicts, or are they fine with more and more spiritual and emotional violence?

Such is the World.

It is not the Kingdom. If you want that, then ask the One who can get you in. The only thing--oh no, tough to do, whew--

Gotta leave the World.

Here's a bit more on the Culture War. And on human sacrifice. And hey, if you're interested, on leaving the World.


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