Tupper Saussy Remembered

I've recently taken a visceral hold on a particular verse in the book of Acts, chapter eight. Verse 31, to be specific. It is right in the middle of the interaction between the Ethiopian eunuch and Philip, the man God told to go to meet for the very purpose of sharing the beautiful news of Christ.

After reading a bit of Isaiah, the eunuch confesses that he needs someone to explain it to him, and he invites Philip to sit with him.

Philip is not as much The Evangelist, as many call him. He's really just plain

Philip the Explainer.

Tupper Saussy was one such explainer.

I'd grown up with all the accoutrements of genteel Christian comportment, but never really knew what it was like to live vibrantly in Christ. This was simply because I was so caught up in the crusade of making everyone around me into my image. It was only until I read Saussy's Rulers of Evil that I'd actually understood how much I was entangled-- wrapped and twisted in the midst of The War. The hyperviolent whirlwind of the World's machinations was toying with me like a mantis does with its little bug dinner.

The Scripture I'd been reading was the one filtered through the sworn operatives who'd already vetted the authorized version. Through it all I was crying for "someone to explain it to me." I can't thank God enough that I came upon this man's work in 2001.

Tupper Saussy used great vision and profound insight to elucidate what was right there in God's word the entire time. I just needed the figurative whack across the head to shake my senses, or, as it is said in Scripture, to have the scales dropped from my eyes.

Certainly I still fear a bit, and I still struggle with grasping how it all goes even in the mildest ways, but seeing the world through the lens of God's word as-it-actually-is is the most liberating thing one can ever experience as he travels on this pilgrimage. I can thank this gentleman for that, and thank God He allowed him to be such a wonderful explainer.

Tupper Saussy, I will miss you very much. Thank you for sitting with me.


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