Shhh, Shhh, Gotta See This! --Why, More Death, Of Course

This week NBC got into a bit of hot water for showing the pics and airing the words of the Virginia Tech mass murderer. Shortly before shooting 32 individuals, he sent an informational package to the NBC offices in New York to explain himself. Predictably it was filled with profane rants and menacing images, and after chief correspondent Brian Williams expressed turmoil over the decision, NBC went ahead and showcased it all.

It is easy to understand the displeasure with this, ahem, "decision." The guy is now a celebrity, even if posthumously and with the abjectly repulsive notoriety. Add to this the number of other disaffected individuals who now have incentive to commit heinous acts because of the wide gratuitous publicity-- indeed this was the premise of the film Natural Born Killers. Reviled by many as being excessively violent, its message was that the media are such that a top rated feature can be hewn from "reality show" hyperviolence.

Actually, I shouldn't say the media are such, but that people are such. It is the people that make it so. It is the people so immersed in their abiding engulfing fear that the whole condition keeps violence flowing spitting spewing gushing from the souls of the populace.

The NBC connection?

I can only think of that fable about the scorpion and the frog. Know it? The scorpion wants to get across the river and asks the frog for a ride on his back. The frog properly fears the scorpion will sting him, but the scorpion assures him, "Why would I do that when we both would die if you are disabled?" The frog agrees, and half-way across the river the scorpion jabs him with his venom-filled tail. "Why did you do that? We will now both die" the frog laments with a last gasp. Just before both drop below the water, the scorpion replies, "Ah-ha, you must remember that stinging you is in my nature. It is what I do."

It is in NBC's nature to be an unassuming accomplice to murder. It can't help it. It is what it does. What were its detractors thinking? They got exactly what they wanted. In fact, that's a key point. What NBC does is precisely what the people want it to do. They say "No, no," but they mean "Yes, yes." It is a profoundly codependent relationship, and it is deeply motivated by the need for human sacrifice.

What's more, all of this is a clear testament to the power NBC has. The network doesn't just portray the World Powers-That-Be-- it is them. What are the legal, political, economic, social repercussions for this action? None, not a single one. This is not because it is acquitted of any wrongdoing, it is because NBC is itself the World System. It is the very voice of the Romanist autocracy.

Oh, it is very mindful of its role. It does intimately know of its task-- that crucial part it plays in managing the sin of the World's people. The Virginia Tech Bad-Ass Action Hero Extravaganza-- what else could it evoke but rage, from whoever is snorting the stuff? All for the purpose of keeping people seeking out the television network, the government, the state-church, the duly licensed fully humanistically trained therapist-- longing for some absolution, some direction, some fleeting assurance that the extent of our sins won't destroy us.

The Powers will certainly comply. Gleefully. But they'll be lying. Even when they express contrition or concurrance with some censure, they fold it all into the game they're playing.

When someone asks them about death, they're only going to respond with

More death.

Jesus said very clearly, "Let the dead bury the dead." All the grand institutions that govern the Catholicist Nation, they're all dead. All doing dead things.

Want to be alive?

There's life in the Son. There's death outside of Him, but there's real vibrant true life

In Him.


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