Useful Political Idiots

The political idiots were out in great numbers today, and while what I saw just about made me want to hock my lungs, I still weep for the abject folly that still sweeps through this land.

First, the widely debated Senate immigration bill did not get the procedural vote to move forward. It blows my mind that so many say so much about it, but no one ever says why it failed. I honestly don't think they can because they just haven't the teensiest of clues as to what that could be. I wrote about about what I think it is on my webzine's most recent home page article, which is here.

Second, a debate/forum-type thing was held for the Democratic party's presidential nominees at Howard University, a prominently black college. Needless to say the entire tone was about what these candidates would do for "people of color" if elected. The very first question was essentially "What will you do with the issue of race?" and the convenient springboard was today's announcement of a Supreme Court ruling that declared race alone cannot be used as a criterion for admissions to a public school.

You may be wondering what this is all about, since we all thought that was decided a long time ago with decisions like Brown v. Board of Education. The issue here, however, was that today some of the finer schools have been looking at whether or not an applicant is white or black, and admitting the black applicant in order to "foster diversity" and "provide opportunity."

So yeah, you'd think that a ruling that stated, "Hey, what's this with using race as a deciding factor? Let's stop that kind of unequal discrimination right now" would be applauded by all forward thinking peoples, but ahhh... we got wind of what the real sentiment is at this debate/forum thing.

Virtually each and every one of them assailed the ruling. Huh?

Now, I didn't expect anything less. It is the typical hypocritical idiocy that one sees in politics. It is obvious why, and it is supremely pukifying. The Democratic candidates essentially said to a cheering crowd of oblivious voters,

"We support anything that makes you all more of a class of whining helpless victims. This makes it so you'll like us more, because the more you are exploited and manipulated by powerful people, the more we get boffo political perks. If people discriminate against you based on your race, we'll fight that! If people discriminate for you based on your race, we'll support that.

"We just want to do what you want even if the most unprincipled ridiculous thing, because you're black and we're Democrats and that's the way it's supposed to be." (Whoops and cheers all around)

Again, the vomitory pandering going on there was, well, quite vomitory.

But ya know? That's how it is with the World. I could vomit my guts till the cows come home, but it won't change, it will never change, it has always been that way.

I only share this just by the chance maybe someone will see it for what it is, and perhaps realize that, yeah, the World does operate that way-- that is kind of crappy. They may even well ask,

But what else is there?

I have kind of an idea. It's there, at my webzine.


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