Who's Your Daddy?

Everyone has a daddy. No I'm not talking about your biological father, but someone very daddy-like that you follow. For someone who chooses not to follow Christ, that daddy is a racketeer of some stripe. That's the very essense of what the whole question is about.

"Who's your daddy?" is a lot easier than asking "To whom to you pay indulgences?" or "To whom do you assign the management of your evildoing?" I've written my latest home page webzine piece on this very issue, and it is at The Catholicist Nation if you're interested in reading more.

I must say that there is so much to write about in addressing use of the law by a racketeer, that I had to leave so much out. One of the things I simply couldn't get in there that is worth mentioning is the fact that Frederic Bastiat used God to make much of his case against what he called "perversion" of the law. I agree fully (and say as much in the piece) that God made us each with phenomenal capacity to imagine and invent and build and assemble marvelous things that make many people's lives much better.

The problem, however, with saying "If government would just get out of the way then people would be free to worship God with their talents" as he does in his conclusion, is that the World's operatives sworn to draw people from Christ have brilliantly concocted a number of "Gods" who people so readily slot into their peculiar conception of him. They then go on lying and cheating and murdering, indeed using the very same "God" in rationalizing their behavior.

Sin is a horrific thing indeed.

The law should be just as brutal if it is to do its job of exposing it.

You may certainly hang around there in the glaring searing light of that law...

Or you may go to the Light that smiles, embraces, frees, welcomes, engages, touches, invigorates-- hey...

Even makes you alive again.


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