The Outbirthing in Europe

I am just beginning a new book called God's Continent about the expanded presence of Islam in Europe. I'm just at the first few pages, and right out of the gate there was an interesting note about Muslim's designs on a religiously moribund Europe.

It is simply that Muslims plan to "outbirth" the people of other religions, notably Christianity. It is now well-known that Europe's birthrate has leveled off and in some places has gone negative. Lots can be said about that, but the thought I had about this outbirthing strategy of Islamic dominance was this:

Children do follow closely the things parents do, even if those things are quite ungodly. One could easily say that Islam is an ungodly religion, and in many ways it is, but much of the derision of it comes from those not in the Muslim God Club. They are zealots for the "Not-Islam" religion, and that religion is often quite Catholicist.

One very good thing about Islam is that it is very law-oriented. The law, that's a good thing, keeps people in-line and smacked up-side-the-head any time they get outta line. What Christ tells us is very clear, though, about that:

You can never be justified before God by the law.

Muslims live their whole lives working striving surging laboring to keep that law. They painstakingly do it all the way up until they die. So when children are brought up with intense law-abiding indoctrination, they too will continue into adulthood living by the law.

The problem is that all the other God Clubs in Europe do exactly the same thing. And when they are not having as many babies as the Muslims are, at some point most of all the law-abiders in Europe will be Muslims.

What is the way to not be in a God Club, Christian or Muslim? What is the way not to be burdened by the requirements of the law, the Christian kind or the Muslim kind?

That is to give oneself to Jesus Christ-- ahem, The Jesus Christ, not one of the many God Club counterfeits.

When you give yourself to Christ, you are moving from the law, and into truth and grace. It is the same as moving from your parents disciplining you for doing wrong-- use of the law to govern your behavior-- to living unchildlishly, as an adult, doing something right and good because you love another.

Here's the key: a World religion, Christian or Muslim, is never out from under the law. What you have then in Europe is competing God Clubs, and when one of those clubs will outbirth the other, then what do you expect will happen?

If you'd like to read a bit more about how Christian churches turn themselves into mere World God Clubs, go here.


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