The Gods of the Robots

My latest webzine home page piece addresses some of the absurdity of the Darwinist world view. Sometimes I wonder in these endeavors if (a) I'm offering something new to the conversation and (b) if I'm fully giving honor to the One Who Is Truth, Jesus Christ. I say this because as I review my latest piece I think that (a) I'm just rehashing all the stuff most Christians already say is truly silly about Darwinism, and (b) I make a case for God but that case may be shrugged off because so many believe in "God" anyway so what'm I really saying after all?

As I think about it I've found that (a) I do offer some ideas no one is talking about, namely that Darwinists must by nature be absolutely blind to what is true as they are beholden to the one who was sent out of the presence of God in Genesis 4, and that (b) I make clear that God of whom I speak of is the Jesus Christ of Scripture, not some nebulous "whatever you want to make him" kind of God.

But as I've thought about what I wrote I wanted to make a parenthetical remark here in my blog as a kind of addendum to that home page piece. I do this because as much as I tried to squeeze it in, it just didn't quite fit anywhere. I consider it just as important, however, to understanding why Darwinists behave the way that they do.

It has to do with some of the critical ways in which they behave, and that is mixed up with the ways in which The Institution operates. When I say "The Institution," I am referring to none other than the overarching Agency of Cain in whatever capacity that is, political, ecclesiastical, financial. It is all there operating with the primary duty of managing the sinful activity of those who choose to live outside of the gracious provision of Jesus Christ who reigns in the universe.

Those who make Christ their Lord will pay attention to Him. Those who don't will likely pay attention to a Darwinist with a microphone paid to spout about how truthful evolution is. But again, that was covered in the home page piece.

Here's the addendum:

It is that the Darwinist worships his Jesus Christ of choice, one of thousands of gods the World System has devised to keep people from worshipping the True One. Since there are so many of those Jesuses, the Darwinist will also rail against his Jesus Christ of disdain.

Scratch a Darwinist and you'll find that there are some things he holds dear, whatever they are. Those are the things he worships. He must have his own idols because he can have meaning no other way. Even if he is a devout nihilist, he will still make Nihilism his Jesus.

Scratch him at another place on his brain and you'll see something a bit more visible, his hatred for those gods of the religious. What superstition, he will sneer. The fact is, many times he's right! Most gods of the religious are just as ridiculous concoctions who tell their followers to say and do some very silly things.

The World is filled with gods. They are absolutely required for the laborious task of The Institution. If you are not worshipping Christ in Spirit and in Truth, then you will have one or more of those gods you will worship, and one or more you will revile.

The connection here to Lucretius cannot be emphasized enough. Lucretius said belief in the gods produces fear and that destroys "the good life." My question is, which gods is he talking about? If he is indeed talking about the World's gods, then yes! Lucretius is correct! The World's gods must generate fear among their believers because the World made them to keep people fearful!

What World inhabitants don't see is that those gods are simply inventions from the minds of World operatives through the millennia. But again, they can't see that because they stay devoted to Cain and therefore remain blind to what is true.

The alternative is One that I've spoken about so frequently in this blog and on my webzine that it can't be missed. Instead of the World there is the Kingdom. Instead of the Straw-Man Jesus To Fear there is the True Jesus Who Loves. Instead of nodding at inane fairy tales of woolly turtles and skunkasaurs, there is rapturous discovery of what is actually veritable.

Instead of blindness there is sight.

For some of the gods of the World, look here. William Dembski's blog, Uncommon Descent, directed me to this hilarious site with a parody of biology textbook's treatment of evolution, from which I got the aforementioned animals.


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