Wow, Cool! "Heuristics"! I Love It!

I found out about a new word the other day. Never heard of it before, and somewhere, I think it was on my Google page, there it was.


Apparently this is the practice of joining with others to bat about some thought or idea or concept with the intention of arriving at a firm understanding of it. I mean, tell me if I'm wrong, but that's the idea I got. Came from the same Greek word that's in Archimedes' "Eureka!"

What a totally cool thing to do! Heuristics. I must say I'm all over that. I revel in engaging others about vital issues, critical topics, all of that. Let's do it!

The problem I have is when people don't want to do that. Sadly, at least what I've seen, very few truly want to do that. Oh many say they do, but they don't. When you get into the meat of something, most people get far too uncomfortable. It's not even that they don't want to do it, but get downright nasty for even venturing a bit too far into heuristic reality. I think I know why.

It is because every issue will always find its way all the way into one thing, at the end, when it is all said and done, it will always end up at

Jesus Christ.

Too many people jump off the heuristics cruise ship whenever it gets a bit too close to that Rock. Too many are simply too devoted to their own Jesus to risk being smashed on Truth and Grace.

I can't deny that this is extraordinarily discouraging.

Some may say, "Well, Dave, what's with that? If everything comes down to Jesus, then why do you even desire to do any of this heuristics stuff when it'll all come down to what you already know anyway, namely Him?"

Great question, and my answer is actually quite simple. I'm no genius about this stuff. But here's why, it is because

I don't yet know what's beyond Him.

He hasn't told me everything about Him. How great is that! This heuristics thing--awesome! It is precisely because I do know some things about Him that makes it so wonderful! Ironically, it is those who don't know about Him that are the most resistant to heuristics!

"What about this possibility? Let's talk about it! Mix it up! How 'bout it?!..."

"No, no, don't go there, too scary. In fact, go away from me. Errmph."

There it is. The way of the World. Yeah, it's crap, it really is.

Anyway, all that to introduce my latest home page piece, on that which is truly valuable. As a pretext I peek at what happened over at Societe Generale, and I rustle about in the most recent economic woes. If you're interested, it is here.


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