If you opened today's Los Angeles Times Op-Ed section you'd've seen two opposing titles along the crease at the top. Just to the right was "Assessing Prop. 13," a piece advocating gutting California's Proposition 13 which passed in 1978 to prevent soaking homeowners with excessive taxation.

To the left was a pull-quote from a letter to the editor. It said, "Rome is... responsible, and Rome should pay." This was from a group of letters commenting on how the Catholic Church is finding funds to pay off its sexual abuse victims.

The irony comes in the fact that Rome is truly not just the Catholic Church, but the overarching governing body of the World System set in motion from the time Cain committed the first murder. Cain was then ordained the first governor, and by erecting a city from which to rule he instituted grand religious, political, and economic organizations to administer his prosecutorial authority over sinners.

Unfortunately shortly thereafter some men began calling on the Lord, seeking His truth and grace in all things. To keep from becoming irrelevant, Cain and his minions began provoking men to do evil. A man living by the Lord's word and guided by His wisdom cannot be taken in by his elaborate ruses.

But for those who do not seek the Lord, the racket that is the Agency of Cain is there to crack heads and pretend to offer protection from head-cracking.

How profound that this letter writer should utter the words "Rome is responsible." That it should pay is amplified by the op-ed about how homeowners need to get with it and start paying more.

Paying more for what?

Essentially it shakes down this way.

Cain (as spoken through those unabashed about making The Institution their lord): "We need more taxes. This will provide ample funding all the things government has to fund."

Observer: "What are those things?"

Cain: "You know, education, police, fire, health services, governance, public services, you know, good things like that."

Observer: "But doesn't much of that just enable the rotten behavior of the populace."

Cain: "Of course, but if we're responsible, we should pay. And if people get sucked into our provocations then they're the ones willingly paying for us to pay."

Observer: "True enough. But this sure seems horrible. It just feels like a body of death."

Cain: "So? It's my job. Don't like it, get out."

Get out? What does that mean? Get in a rocket ship and blast off outta here? Move to the woods and live in a tent?

Nah. How about this.

Just trust in Christ and live in the Kingdom.


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