Barack Obama to the Rescue! Err... Whupps...

For those whose allegience is to the World and its system of oppressive governance, Barack Obama is a bright light. He is the one to whom to look for all good things to help us all out of our moribund impotence. This is a truth as true as any verity. Many hate it, revile Obama ("He's a socialist!") and rail at the moon for how good ol' America is being driven into the ground.

Jesus Christ is the Lord of those who want to live in the Kingdom. He is an entire universe away from anything that Barack Obama does, but He allows Obama to reign in the World over World dwellers for the benefit (as it is) of World dwellers. Kingdom people have given up getting anything and always risk enduring the most heated vitriol, or worse, complete and abject marginalization.

They wait with gentleness and longsuffering for they know their Lord gives them His Kingdom, and its infrastructure is nothing but the deepest widest highest charity.

But then there is the perfectly reasonable World. Right there for World revelers. Smiling and sloshing and pretending the World actually has anything of lasting value.

Today we saw Barack Obama sign into law the near-$800 billion "stimulus package," which added to the previous near-$8 trillion bailout money, added to the near-$12 trillion debt, added to the quite definite gobs and gobs of liabilities on the Social Security and Medicare books, makes for a ballpark-$70 trillion liability for the United States of the World.

No wonder the stock market tanked today.

It plunged down a bit closer to the 7,000 mark. What?! No moral boost on Wall Street from the gallant heroics of Obama and his legislative compatriots? What's with that?

What's with that is that too many people see the lies for what they are. The problem is, sadly, they still want to stay in the World, still gritting through their smile that they can figure out what to do. Most will just try to find a way to be on the side of the exploiters.

Jesus Christ? Nah, that's for Sunday morning. For now, grr, grr, grr, how to fix this, how to fix this...

Two last things. Today a major investment company was raided by federal marshals. Think it all that high-level financial hanky panky ended with Bernard Madoff? Oh, you're laughing too. You get it.

And tonight on PBS is a Frontline documentary about the collapse of the economy and Wall Street and the beltway failed to do about it. I'll peek at it to see how much they are going to make it look how inept they all were, and are, and grr grr grr grr grr how mad we are at them grr grr grr what can we do about it think think think grr grr grr.

Makes for a nice show, at least there's that.


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