The Good Lie

This past week's Newsweek cover says just about everything you'd need to know about the way the World System operates. Barack Obama is strolling across some red carpet in some official looking building, presumably the White House, to a podium to address everyone--God, Walt Disney, everyone.

Across the page are the words, "The Confidence Game," and underneath the subheading, "How Obama can talk us out of a depression."

Never mind that getting out of a depression kind of involves people actually doing certain things to produce things that would make people's lives better in some way. Instead the World seems to think Barack Obama's inspiring words will do the trick.

The trick.

That's what a confidence game is.

The con for short.

"You guys are really good," he'll blap. "Really really good. And those other people, they're very very bad and we're out to get 'em."

The ooo's and ahh's will follow for this rock-star Caesar whose dissembling will certainly be quite eloquent, we can give him that. Funny this cover comes so soon after another famous one that announced "We're all socialists now." Guess this means that to be good wholesome Americans we must believe it all then.

What's really going on in this "confidence game"? I've compiled some thoughts about what this all means in my latest home page piece, it is here.


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