The Intellectual Lobotomy

Yesterday U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter announced he was retiring from the highest bench at the still sprite age of 69. It is notable what he once said about his work on the court, quote:

"When the term of court starts, I undergo a sort of annual intellectual lobotomy and it lasts until the following summer, when I sort of cram what I can into the summertime."

What? The delightful dances these guys do with THE LAW just aren't ever-so fun and wonderful?

I love how people always boast "We're a nation of laws, not of men." But, um, isn't this a democracy? Where the people have the power? Guh? Errp? Ooop?

Yes, indeed, to actually try to sort all that out would require a lobotomy of sorts. If you've ever even looked at the volumes and volumes and volumes written through the ages about laws and the massively turgid attempts to get it right, you'd wonder why everyone in law or politics doesn't have a lobotomy. Or maybe they do? Souter said he did.

Fortunately there is hope. I write a bit about it in my latest home page piece. I invite you to go to my website, The Catholicist Nation, and enjoy it.


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