Light Years Away from Meaningful Truth

Did you know that there is now a U.S. commission on examining what is happening with the TARP money? You know the TARP money, as in Troubled Asset Relief Program money, hundreds of billions of dollars dropped in the laps of foolish but high-living value extractors?

Its chairman, Phil Angelides, recently said to an LA Times business columnist, "Here's the big picture. The commission's role is to be a pursuer of the truth. If we commit ourselves to pursuing the facts and uncovering whatever is underneath whatever rock, we will do Americans a great service."

I can't say that I split a gut laughing at this remark, and that is really only because every high profile World operative blaps this kind of thing regularly, and they do so with a completely straight face. Every single time. Hmm, go figure.

This comes at the same time that one of those grand metaphors for truth vs. deceit is getting gobs of airplay right now. You know which one it is, the whole blue pill vs. red pill thing from The Matrix. It has come blasting into the public consciousness once again because last night at his celebrated sales pitch--err, 'scuze me--press conference hawking--errr, sorry (slap)--addressing government provided health care, president Obama used the metaphor.

What is so silly is that he encouraged us all to take the blue pill for half the price of the red pill. In The Matrix it is the red pill that is the one that frees, the one that gets at the truth. Certainly many bloggers and pundits will be pointing this out, particularly the ones who see that government-run health care can never be half the price and maintain any level of quality.

Thing is, as much as many are seeing Obama for the naked emperor that he is, they are not seeing that Caesar will still oppress all those who enlist his services, including those who think they see it all clearly. Obama is embarrassing himself, but to his credit he has in his mind what so many progressively-minded individuals have in theirs: that people should be cared for.

The problem is that he is a value extractor, painstakingly striving to yank whatever means he can to pay for taking care of people he wants to like him. Those people are no different, even those who revile him. Caesar is merely another Christ, trying valiantly to be his brother's keeper. As Cain's legacy he has seven times the power of any other individual, but that power is still woefully limited.

Truth things may get you so far. TARP commission chairman Angelides may truthfully find out about who's truthfully getting what money. I guess that's pretty good. Obama may truthfully have a heart for truthfully suffering people. That's touching, it is, I'm not being sarcastic about that. It's a truthful thing, certainly.

But every single one of these truths have so many more deeper and complex facets and these guys will never, ever get close to them, because as Cain's agents they carry forward Cain's commission given him by God Himself.

And they do so completely outside of the presence of God.

As such they haven't the faintest idea of what meaningful truth is. Not only do they have no clue about what all their bumbling about is really all about, but they aren't supposed to. They're only supposed to be proficient administrators of the World System for the purpose of driving those sick and tired of the vast institutionalized deceit completely out of it and into the arms of Jesus Christ Who is Truth Himself.

All these bloggers and pundits yapping about what they really know about health care. Hey, some of those things are very true things. But come on. That's it? Just that you should pay the doctor for the services he provides you and not your neighbor? Here's my question.

Then what?

So now you're healthy enough to find out who really got TARP money.

Then what?

Now you can bop about in life and, um, live life?

Then what?

It is simple. He who has the Son has life. He who doesn't does not have life. I don't know how it can be more clear. The best trained humanists--and in a fully Catholicized society like this one it is a good guess most everyone is so expertly adept--will say things like "But I've got family, friends, and faith. That's it." Sounds really good.

Except that Jesus said that even these very things are idols in the way of true fulfillment in Him. Oh, don't get me wrong. Those things are great things. I like my family, and my friends. I even like viewing the keystone cops comedy of federal agents peeking about at who's doing value extraction and then writing a spiffy report about it.

But gotta give it up. Wholesale.

And the funny thing is Jesus said we'd get it all back times a hundred.

But first, and only,


Not even the expectation you'll get any of that back.

Just Him.

He's the only Meaningful Truth.


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