Jimmy Stewart is Not Dead

I was recently amused by a headline in the Los Angeles Times, but it was certainly not surprising considering the media are simply the spokesholes for Cain, indeed themselves a vibrant part of the World System's decision-making processes. Sometimes, though, your attention can be drawn to the folly revealed in their pronouncements.

It seems that all the money used to bail out important people "appears" to be paying off. It appears that things are getting rosier for important people. The article does mention a lot of things that are not going well with the bailout plan, but hey, it's best if things appear to be going well.

But this is the World speaking. Treasury Secretary and once New York Fed President Tim Geithner once said that the appearance of a powerful financial institution and its activity is most important for sustaining confidence, calling it "theater." At least it's entertaining!

Never mind that it is actually real. Never mind that people's values are actually respected and even enhanced instead of shorn for the purposes of important people's human sacrifice. Oh, and I don't necessarily just mean rich people's human sacrifice -- very poor people can be experts at value extraction. Everyone living by the World System's program of value rearrangement is guilty of human sacrifice.

Recently uber-pundit of finance Niall Ferguson and author Laurence Kotlikoff wrote a piece in the Financial Times about a plan for banking that they say is truly on the up-and-up. It was titled "How to Take Moral Hazard Out of Banking." Hmm, didn't know bankers lied as a matter of practice for there to be a suggestion that they don't, but what do I know.

What they suggested is something called "limited purpose banking," which is really just a nifty prescription of banking that recommends tape be wrapped around parts of the huge sieve that is its often comical attempt at capital movement. And really, the "tape" is just plain old honesty, integrity, and transparency.

Things the World knows nothing about because it is too busy keeping up appearances.

In fact, Kotlikoff is about to release his new book, Jimmy Stewart is Dead, all about how the days of the kind and caring Bailey Savings and Loan are long gone.

Come to think of it, that classic scene with the bank run reveals much more of what's real than anything, particularly about what's been happening today in high finance.

Remember when mean old Mr. Potter offers George Bailey's depositors at least something for their shares? Most of those nice but clueless folk were about to jump all over it, but George (the Jimmy Stewart character, for those who've lived in a cave and have never seen It's a Wonderful Life) boldly gets very truthful. He implores them, "Don't you see? Potter isn't selling he's buying! And that's because we're panicing and he's not."

Don't you see that this is precisely the same thing the World System led by the Federal Reserve is doing? They haven't just dangled $700 billion in TARP money to rescue poor dumb scared important people, they've shelled out several trillion to do the buying. It doesn't matter for squat that oh-golly-yay!-how-fortunate some of that money will come back, the fact is

You're still bought.

You're bought by the agents of Cain whose job it is to manage more ways of doing human sacrifice and put on a terrific show to make it all look like it's a-ok.

The only meaningful thing you can do is to let them continue to do that for the devout World inhabitants who demand that service, and get out yourself.

But that also means going over to the One who's bought you with the most valuable thing ever, His blood. After you do that, seek out others who've done that too, talk to one another, behold the amazing gifts He's given you to do wonderful things for your community, and for cryin' out loud don't sign up with the institutions of Cain! All the non-profit incorporations and undue tax liabilities and excessive debt obligations and all of those things seriously compromise what you'd otherwise do through a God who can do anything!

Really, you can want what's real, or you can settle for what's theater. All the stuff you believe that the World System is selling you is all about its purchase of you and your soul. They can get their hands on trillions if they want to do that. It's a lot, yeah.

But Jesus gave His life.

A bit more about how churches sell themselves to the World is here. The LA Times front page piece was from this past Friday, December 4th, 2009. Those trillions used for World purchases amounted to over $7 trillion early this year, the latest I saw it was up to almost $10 trillion.


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