Human Sacrificers Testify

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission is holding hearings this week and whenever, calling all sorts of really official finance officials to the table to 'splain themselves.

Today's featured showman was Daniel Mudd, at the helm of Fannie Mae when she started sinking. (Fortunately just before she went completely under, millions of taxpayers with buckets started bailing feverishly to get her back into fine sailing form.)

He said something interesting today, I think. He said that if Fannie Mae were allowed to diversify, they'd have been better off. Now, what precisely does this mean? Please, do enlighten me, I want to get it straight. Tell me if I'm wrong, please, I mean it, I invite your comments.

But does this not mean that if Fannie Mae were able to suck the blood from other sources, they'd have been able to cover their asses when the blood they'd been sucking from home mortgages ran dry? After all, they were required by law apparently to have "all their eggs in one basket" (the worst evil in financial wizardry), namely that of those dratted home mortgages foisted upon them by those bloodsuckers themselves, Congress, who really only reflect the wishes and desires of... errr, 'scuze me, it's not polite to call Joe and Josie Averageamerican, bloodsuckers... Forgive me... (And please, never mind the use-the-house-as-a-personal-ATM man and woman behind the green curtain.)

Earlier this week former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan had his comeuppance. They're all making their cameos, how splendid, speaking with great eloquence and pontificating regally about that wonderful thing called hindsight -- brilliant show, just brilliant.

Greenspan defended his policy of not using the power of Fed enforcement to go after "predatory" lenders, because if he did it might have given borrowers a false sense of security. The thinking here is that with a bunch of regulatory agents quite visibly snooping about, people might get the impression that they were actually doing their job proficiently weeding out the baaad eeevil lenders, and as such whoever they'd be dealing must be okay when they're really just crooks.

So then, let me get this straight. According to Greenspan, regulation presents a moral hazard.

I know many may be laughing their socks off right now, but look at this. Please, let me know what I'm missing here, because I want to get it right. Please, tell me if I'm wrong in any of this. Please don't leave me in the dark, I want to be sure about this stuff. Help me out.

But isn't it true that it wasn't just Greenspan who was in on this? It was everyone who wanted him to enable their bloodsucking investment practices. Everyone, meaning millions of bankers, lenders, brokers, and yes, borrowers. It meant every government or quasi-government agent. It meant every top talking head in the media. It meant all personnel at all levels of human sacrifice enablement. Anyone who just went along with the ride on this are all Alan Greenspan toadies.

The other amazing thing about this dynamic is its verity. It is quite twisted, yes, but it is veritable nonetheless. What do I mean by this?

I mean that the law shines light on sinners.

If Greenspan did unleash every Fed agent on every questionable lending case, the workload would be impossibly gargantuan. This is something Greenspan even mentioned himself! So the rules were in place, and there were a number of intrepid agents ready to head out into the wild blue--er, I should say red--bloodsucking yonder, but so many people were doing their standard bloodsucking thing that it just wouldn't have meant squat.

The profound truth in all of it is this.

People do really awful things. Fed agents there, Fed agents not there, doesn't matter. People will still do really awful things. Oh, and not just really awful things, but really awful bloodsucking things. Oh, and they'll do really awful bloodsucking things while wearing really nice suits and smiling really big. Oh, and not just that but they'll be enabled and encouraged and provoked and stimulated to do those things by World operatives whose sworn duty is to keep it thriving.

They must. It's their job.

The World operates thusly. If you're listening you'll figure it out. If you want to you'll understand. It should frighten you like nothing else, really. What is it they say? "If you don't know the predator, you are the prey." In the World you're always prey. It doesn't matter how much you're sucking someone's blood, someone is always sucking yours. And the World makes it that way. Always has, for millennia.

The Kingdom, though, is there, not far away, just right there for anyone who wants to go into it.

Yeah, does have a narrow doorway, but that's okay.

I should write Doorway, capitalized, because the Door is a Person.

Thing is, the Door is narrow. It's not big enough to let you in if you are still sucking the blood from others--working for the World or contractually expecting the World to keep funneling its regularly drawn blood to you. You must give it up and get completely out.

The great thing is He knows you can't do that on your own.

He knows. He's there. He's got your back.

He loves you so much that He'll see you get in.

My most recent home page piece covers the World's human sacrifice a bit more. Just more evidences to share with those tired of doing it, of being an accomplice to it, and may want to make that radical turn and follow a Lord who loves with His life. Some more on The Door is here.


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