The WikiLeaks Horror Picture Show

So, exactly what are you going to do with the information that was recently published on WikiLeaks?

You know what I'm talking about. The information that reveals the United States uses strongarm tactics in its diplomatic efforts. That it uses what is effectively subversive espionage to engage other nations. That it is wholly devious and underhanded in its strategy to gain the upper hand in all negotiations relating to the interest of maintaining stalwart national security.

Are you a Chicken Little who's screeching that the sky is falling? Are you a timid traveler on the Yellow Brick Road bleating "Lions and tigers and bears oh my!"? Are you dutifully rivited to the World's megaphone holders who are either soaked in denial, steeped in rationalization, or immersed in arrogance spouting some plap about being above it all?

Some may say those who cheer on the WikiLeakers represent a second kind of person, one who proudly bellows "I knew it all along, those pukes" and then gets really righteously indignant about it as a pretense to yet another stepped-up effort to tell guvment what's what and move on really getting them to get their act together. Nah, sorry. This individual is just another of the obsequiously fearful.

Or is it possible that...

Is it possible that you could perceptively see the World System humming away, churning on all cylinders just as it should be, marketing and exhibiting the typical horror movie featuring the valiant knights of Babylon riding to rescue the shaped and formed pusillanimous hordes just as it has for millennia?

Don't get me wrong. It is authentic horror. Countless more souls will be abducted, hearts captivated, bodies sacrificed in another chapter of the great conflagration that is the Grand Sin Management Administration Extravaganza.

Could it possibly be that you're one of those who do see all of this for what it is, and retire to the place where grace and mercy reign, where truth is given its just place, where agape expressions are bountiful -- indeed where broken and battered individuals find repentence and rest, quietness and trust, and in God Almighty they have genuine salvation and strength?

That place is nowhere other than right where you stand, except that by Christ you have a bit of light to shine upon those who wallow in this benighted nation. And by that light there'd be some who want out and join you in the Kingdom. As you turn to smile upon those ravaged by the World and its WikiLeak silliness, you draw them to rapturous contentment in the arms of One Who Loves.

Which one are you?

By the way, those words about repentence and rest, they're from the 30th chapter of Isaiah. Check them out.


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