Another 1,000 Words on The Real Slavery

In my last post I opined about a blogging pundit's remark that a good blogger must write a thousand words a day to be effective. I did agree one must blog often enough, but also made mention of extraordinarily meaningful time constraints. There are indeed other things more important.

I've since thought that I must add another important facet to the blog-posting-somewhat-more-infrequently-than-every-day position. That is simply that one must take time to actually discover things about which to blog. Certainly sometimes those things require an entire day of plain discovery sans any writing at any time.

I thought today I'd add some examples of the things I've been looking at over the past few days.

One is an event that happened just yesterday: Rome itself has been overrun by the "Occupy Whichever Powers-That-Be Street There Is" fever. This particular revolt has resulted in some violence, I'm told, so the rebellion is stirring quite nicely it seems.

Tired of all the pressing anxiety, the finance officers of the G20 nations scolded the eurozone and insisted they get cracking to calm things down. They haven't really meant business about doing anything of substance for millennia, why would it be any different over the course of the next week? It's all really just part of the docudrama in the sin management extravaganza.

The rebellious revelers are no better. I heard a soundbite on the radio from one "Occupier" who said, "We're doing this for your children."

No you're not.

You're just as much a fool as those you are railing against. They lie and you buy their lie even in your strident objections that you don't. You lie because you think you are good and wholesome without Christ. How dare you claim you aren't as power hungry as those you excoriate. You are being played and are playing everyone else because you get to have a microphone shoved in your face.

Earlier in the week I read a piece from Hernando de Soto, the acclaimed economist who made one of the most salient points in recent economic thought in his book The Mystery of Capital. He declared (as he did again in the piece) that capital is dead without binding legal transcription of the value of that capital.

But read the piece carefully because you'll see that even that doesn't matter in the end. He writes with such despair, crying out for the forces of the law to do their work in spite of the harrowing nature of the World inhabitant's predicament. The truth is that

Without Christ, you are dead.

No matter how much capital you have, and how much it is recorded with gold plated inscriptions in vaults of marble, in the end it is all just dust in the wind. It is amazing enough that he actually made mention of the fact that claims to the world's wealth exceed the actual value of that wealth by ten-to-one (that's one whopping lie by a heck of a lot of people). But even that fact is moot when one realizes that without Life, any wealth is ultimately meaningless.

Finally I must make mention of a piece I read by Walter Williams. Like de Soto, I like reading Walter Williams. He really nails things with simplicity and style. He wrote a piece a week or two ago about how terribly loose Europe has been with its entitlement generosity. He chides the U.S. for being so profligate.

The thing that struck me was his last sentence:

"We must find a compassionate way to wean people off government."


Here's the thing! I know that Way! He is Compassion Himself! Yes, definitely! Get off Caesar's teat and walk into the open, gracious, splendid embrace of Christ!

Sadly, I don't think many people know what that means. They think Jesus is the hifalutin dude they see a bunch of religious people talk about in churches on Sunday, and that's pretty much it. But one reason that's the case is that coming off the intense addiction to Americanism is as awfully difficult as it is coming off meth.

I happen to love NASCAR racing, but it breaks my heart to watch someone lead a prayer for thousands in attendance and millions watching at home -- with the name of Jesus in the prayer, wow! -- and then in the very next moment they all betray that devotion by singing a worship song to an idol. "Oh say can you see..." You lift your eyes up to... what?

As good Americanists it is what they should be doing, I understand. The wholesome Americanist version of Cain's agency is supposed to rally the faithful. But that also means they are engaged in the standard value extractions practices that Americanist doctrine engenders. Williams' plea at the end of his piece sounds more like lamenting a hopelessly doomed effort than any realistic expectation that he will actually find that way.

That is because it is so simple: If it isn't Christ, he will never find it. It isn't there. All there is is the fake one, the one Caesar runs at the behest of Cain's legacy of brutal law enforcement.

Funny, just went to Apple's movie trailers site and caught the newest preview of The Avengers. Those are the idiosyncratic and delightfully popular Marvel superhero guys, you know them all, Ironman, Thor, Hulk, and of course, ta-da! Captain America. Don't get me wrong, I really like all those movies.

But they resonate with us because deep inside we have the need to see justice done (Hey, the DC Comics version is "The Justice League"). What so very few can grasp is that there is One who will see it done all right, but He won't spare anyone who's been unjust,

Including us.

Both Cain's minions through history and his slaves wherever they occupy are on the docket for that trial. And the judgment has already been made.

Do you know of That One who is The Compassion? The One who died to be your mercy in the face of that justice? The One who literally rose up out of the grave to rule over the heavens and the earth and who will give all of the bounty and glory and wonder of the Kingdom to those who want to enjoy it with Him?

I like watching the whole pop culture fascination with superheros, and wrote about it a while back when Watchmen was made into a feature film. That's here. And here's why many of the very best looking Christian churches are just subdivisions of Cain's vast governing operation.


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