The Very Nearly Perfectly Accurate Primer on the Financial Meltdown

Another fine piece appeared in the Washington Post from Matt Miller, who likes telling us the way things really are. This one was called "Europe Made Easy," and it does indeed read like a primer. I found it quite interesting that the great and powerful men-behind-the-green-curtain felt the need to put this out there for general consumption. It seems too many just haven't a clue about what all the fussing is about. Greece and banks and bond auctions and the Euro and why on earth there are a bunch of young folk occupying things.

Miller sets us straight with it all, fine work, yes, fine work indeed. Except for one not-so-minor point. Most of the all standard exposition about these things from all the uber-pundits such as Miller does get it right, pretty much, but just the same most get derailed right at the end. That's where the World keeps the full story from you and as such predictably holds you in some agitated state of consternation, rage, or even rebellion.

His wholly exploitive conclusion is this, well, I'll just let it speak for itself. It is rather simple, so simple that spiritual simpletons just shrug it off and then get right back to seething. It is:

"The moral of the story? When you’re an adult, never trust politicians and bankers who say they know what they’re doing, because they’re only looking out for themselves."

Sounds plain and truthful enough. And it is! It is very truthful.

The point is that it doesn't get to the full truth.

And what it is missing is precisely what keeps people in their present-day hells. What is it that is missing?

You and me.

It isn't just the politicians and bankers who say they know what they're doing but only looking out for themselves It is you and me. We do that too.

We too engage in the rank value extraction practices that these guys are so very good at. When an Occupy-x-streeter waves his fist at a banker, he's just saying he wants as much of the human sacrifice loot as he's getting. When a proud Constitutionalist shakes his finger at a politician telling him he's got to do things his way, he's telling him he wants as much of the tribute collection booty as he's hacking off of everyone else.

No one trusts anyone else because in their heart of hearts everyone knows the other guy is an other-sacrificer just like they are.

Not only is the only way out of this body of death a full unabashed 180 degree turn to Jesus Christ, but it is a complete abandonment of all the contracts one has with the World System that make all that Miller elucidates happen. It isn't economic illiteracy that dumbfounds people, it is a deep benighted spiritual illiteracy that keeps them from seeing what Miller describes has happened a thousand times before in history, and it will happen a thousand times again unless Jesus returns first.

Those contracts? W-4 tax liabilities--from companies and by individuals alike. Incorporation establishments. Voter registration commitments. Social Security identifications. Mortgage and debt obligations. Yes, yes, if you are truly Christ's get rid of all of them.

Love with His love.

Oh, you can't do that? You need all this stuff? You require the force of law to constrain your behavior? And that behavior is what now?...

Because so many look at what I just said as the most sickeningly vulgar swearing in the strangest foreign language means that there is no way the World will not ultimately complete its systematic implosion. You see, it's already been imploding all along. It's just the expert marketers succeed quite often in getting us to believe it's all really okay after all. Right now it's just a time when some people are getting a bit frightened of the death seeping through.

You can't get out of it by trying ever-so-much harder to whack off more of the other guy's value before he gets you. That's still death, but sadly, it is all that entrenched World inhabitants know. And so they'll keep paying their politicians and bankers handsomely just the same.

No, the only way you can escape is if you are not in it at all when the final implosion occurs.

And you can be, if you're over there in the Kingdom.


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