Is That a Hand in Your Pocket or Are You Happy That You Can't Be Sure?

Last night driving home from an event we attended far from home, I was listening to a radio station that was playing some good alternative music -- some brand new and some I hadn't heard for a while. One of the latter was Alanis Morissette's "Hand In My Pocket." I'd heard it a million times back in the early 90's, and was enjoying its smooth, breezy feel when I heard this line:

"What it all boils down to is that no one's really got it figured out just yet."

Earlier in the song she confesses she herself hasn't got it figured out just yet, and again the entire tone of the song is to just live life as it is whatever it is. Okay.

But this line just made me think about the rank abuse of logic that so many pass off as just-ever-so-with-it.

Simply, how does Miss Morissette know for sure that no one has got it figured out? Has she met every single person in the universe to conclude there is indeed not a single sentient being who does have it all figured out?

I understand she speaks from a very common perspective of observing so many people who just don't get it, a lot of whom claim to. I myself can't say I've got it all figured out, but I can say for sure that I do know of the next best thing. That is --

I know of Someone who does.

Yes, I know Someone who does have it all figured out. The One who created it all to begin with, and also who loves His creation so much that He gave the ultimate measure of devotion to make sure its centerpiece, you, could eventually have it all figured out -- joyfully, wonderfully, rapturously figured out.

Many would leap right into the cesspool of illogical thinking and spew the typical and quite widely accepted position "You can't know any of that for sure." My question is then this:

Are you sure about that?

"I can't speak a word of English." "This statement is false." "I know for sure I don't know anything."

The simple violation of the laws of logic are so obvious, it is amazing so many are captivated by radical skepticism. But I think they are because extraordinarily powerful people convince them to live by so many radical selfist precepts that they must swallow the idiocy along with it.

One recent example is one that has been around for ages, but since I love doing apologetics I just couldn't help myself -- I was chomping at the bit to tackle this one. It is:

"No one knows about hell. So shut-up about it."

Oh? No one knows about hell? And if what the things some people do claim to know about hell (even if you don't believe it) are indeed true, then shouldn't it be talked about as much as it can be in order to keep you from it?

All of this is what my latest home page piece is about, and I invite you to enjoy it. I'd also love to know what you think. Share your comments if you have a moment.


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