World Vapidity

Right now I'm in the midst of industriously managing family affairs, teaching summer school, and trying to squeeze in assembling a decent home page piece for the next month's edition of my webzine. Most times all of this very much precludes me from blogging, but I have to get this down here, briefly (if I can!)

I teach students U.S. Government at a high school. Part of their lessons involves immersing themselves in current events. This past two weeks we'd been mulling over two of the most publicized cases about which the Supreme Court has issued or will be issuing a ruling.

It already announced its decision regarding the notoriously strict Arizona illegal immigration law. It had struck down some of it, kept some of it. So we talked about this and talked about that, in watching and listening to all that's said I'd been trying to make heads or tails of this part of it and that, I'd been seeing and hearing some people say this and some people say that...

Until this morning I realized something.

How worthless was this decision.

Utterly, completely worthless.

It really doesn't matter when all you're doing is nitpicking about this constitutional protection or that, when the issue still slobbers over the World inhabitant like a giant space zombie baring eight rows of sharp teeth about to have you for snack.

This struck me with more force when during our whole-class current-events sharing time one of my students said this, "Each side of the Obamacare issue is gearing up to claim victory no matter what happens."

Um, problem...

Obamacare and all that is within and without and all-around

Is still there slavering, chomping its gums, licking its chops...

I even shared that with my students as the revelatory nature of this came to me.

"Um, guys. Ya know something? Um, do you realize that no matter what the Supreme Court tells us this week about Obamacare, it will be worthless. Yes, it really won't matter in the least."

The reason is that we all still want sick and poor people to have their medical needs met, no matter how loathsome said sick-and-poor person is. Only the most cold cruel heartless bastards would let a sick-and-poor person bleed to death at the hospital doors. Yes, the question still remains, who will pay for it? How do you work that out?

The Supreme Court won't be able to. Here we are, all waiting with bated breath about what nine eggheads in schnazzy robes will say about it, when ultimately it will be pointless. What fools we are.

Ultimately it is what people see as the difference between the Kingdom and the World that will make any difference. Sadly I don't see too many seeing that. We're not only fools but blind ones too.

When talking about the immigration thing I'd told my kids that this pusillanimous Supreme Court nonsense keeps us from really seeing what's what. I went off about it all, even pointing out that the U.S. just has to address either putting up the electric fence or taking over Mexico (because letting them all in anyway would be no different). Instead we futz around with this piddle Arizona-law-Supreme-Court decision ineptitude.

One student then shared, "Mr. Beck, what would you really want?" Without a beat I told them (something along the lines of) "I'd want Mexican people to enjoy a standard of living at least close to the one we have. I'd want Mexicans to not have to bribe every powerful person around them to get what they need. I'd want Mexicans to not have to fear being dragged out to a ditch late at night to be shot execution-style just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

This very much resonated with my students, but ya know? Here's the key thing of all.

If they don't know the Kingdom way, they will never ever ever know how to make my vision happen. They'll only get the putrid blithering of all these powerful World puppets doing the work of the operatives who jerk them around to keep even my beloved students chained to the World.

Unless people start become untethered from the Catholicist power-structure that is indeed the ordained Legacy of Cain they'll continue to wallow in the sewage of silly Supreme-Court-oriented pap. The stuff in Mexico and by default in this country is arranged to be that way, unless people turn to Christ for His bountiful provision of all rapturous things. The health care circus and the commensurate agony -- not just physical but emotional and spiritual -- will also continue unabated...

Until people abjure that body of death and drop their souls into the gentle healing saving hands of Christ.

In the meantime, hey, turn on the television and get a good dose of amusing but lethal silliness this week. Because yeah, that's really all it is.

I'd written about the immigration thing in a past webzine home page piece. That is here.


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