The Broken Model

Robert Samuelson is one of the more respected commenters on financial things. While he does work for the World as a prominent speaker in the echo chamber, he does refuse to pull punches about the reality of things. I think because he's paid by Caesar a lot of this is designed to get people to keep looking to Caesar to try to solve things.

In his latest piece, he says the economic models the world is working with today are, in his words, "collapsing, time-consuming, torturous, and possibly inconclusive" resulting in "frustration and fear." As always he pounds down the vital stats, and they are always frightening.

One of the most controversial policy decisions made by the federal government was given the thumbs up by the Supreme Court this week, and that was universal health care. The idea -- now implemented as public policy -- is that taxpayers must be obligated to pay for everyone's health care needs.

It is a classic example of the broken model at work.

Simply saying "Everyone will have their health care needs met" doesn't make it happen. And yet federal officials who've rammed Obamacare into law keep saying that completely oblivious to the economic truths involved. In fact, they are actually merely life truths.

There are many, but the two main ones I see are these:

One, everybody dies. You can't keep someone alive forever, or even keep them physically well for a however-long, by forcing others to pay for their care. Yes, some will benefit and have their illness or injury cared for in some way. But the life truth is that we're all dust in the wind after all, and without The One Who Gives Life presiding over your life, it all doesn't matter anyway.

Two, you can't force someone to love another. No matter how much powerful ivory tower manipulators tell us to pay for someone else's anything, that doesn't mean it is going to happen. Yes, we all depend on one another for most anything we get. But without the true desire to make sure everyone is cared for and the commensurate productive capacity fully manifest to see that happens, provision for needs will be woefully deficient.

I also believe the World System tries really hard to make it all work, but it cannot replicate what The Kingdom can do. The problem is most only know of the System. Just look at what Samuelson is saying about it to get a sobering reality check regarding its phenomenal inadequacy. The only thing is, Samuelson will keep saying the same things over and over and over again until people see the Kingdom and start living there.

That's the model that works.

My latest home page piece gets into this with much more detail, and I invite you to look into it. I would love to know what you think.


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