We've Always Been in the Hunger Games

Just have to plop up here a quick post on an article right there in the big mainstream McPaper, USA Today. A university professor has a column in which he asks, "Are we living in the Hunger Games?"

I wrote at length about the film The Hunger Games as a profound metaphor for very real contemporary human sacrifice. Yes, human sacrifice happens all the time by everyone not living by the self-sacrificial principles of Jesus Christ. It isn't always in the physical violence people do to one another but in the spiritual and emotional violence they do. The reason so many refuse to accept this truth is that it is so hard to discern in the lives of everyone who does it, which it seems is just about everyone.

Here the author elucidates how evident this is. He will certainly get points from those shouting about how inequitable all things economic are in this country. He will get more points from those who want to screech about how much power too few people have to exploit others like madmen. Blah blah blah. All this has been happening through the millennia in every place on the planet. Cain's agents love it because it stirs rebellion which they feast upon like zombies in a brain storage facility, and the people love it because --

They must do human sacrifice.

He concludes with the thoroughly typical and always misguided, "We just need to get back to the Constitution!" Ahem, the Constitution just lays out the ways U.S. political culture keeps the human sacrifice alive and well. Nothing wrong with that, it is the World System at work.

The real answer is to abandon all of that and enter

The Kingdom.

Be mercy and grace to people. Be truth to them as well, not judging but judging righteous judgment. Let Caesar be Caesar and don't get mixed up in his domain. Rather love others with Christ's penetrating compelling overwhelming love. Sow and sow and sow abundance all around you with what it is you do really well. And sacrifice yourself in doing so.

Another ticks you off? Hand him your coat. Another slights you and your ever-sensitive sentiments? Invite him to dinner. Another steams you because of his ideological idiocy? Extend your hand, smile, and share with him Life.

The Hunger Games. I can think of very few things that are more gruesomely ugly. Except that even uglier is how much people say they don't like it either, but they do like it and they do anything and everything to embrace it.

Murderous deceit.

Over and over and over again in a splendid array of colors. All fully and wholly constitutional.

It is the way of the World.

Doesn't anyone really want out of the Hunger Games?

Here's that home page piece again. Would love for you to read it. Share your thoughts with me. I also have a page on human sacrifice itself. I invite you to look at that too. Let me know what you think.


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