"Knocked OVER!"

The splendid film Despicable Me has a scene featuring little girls at an amusement park who play a shooting gallery game in order to win a big stuffed animal. The object is to knock over a spaceship zipping side to side. One of the girls makes a direct hit on the target, theoretically with enough force to score the prize.

Alas, the ship does not fall back to indicate a full "knocked over" achievement. After asking for the eagerly expected animal, the barker explains very smugly that the target had to be knocked over for the prize to be awarded. The adoptive father of the girl, the "Despicable Me" character named Gru who is an expert with nefariously utilized weaponry, steps back, pulls out some elaborate multi-barreled rocket launcher, and then utterly obliterates the entire shooting gallery. The spaceship target disintegrates amongst the rubble.

He then proudly proclaims, "Knocked over!"

I've had a series of observations about things that remind me of the barker lying through his eye-teeth about the nature of things, to the extent that millions upon millions of people are kept on or put on a bullet train to their own destruction. I know the truth about each of these things, but like the little girl, I am stunned as I watch my shooting gallery pistol hit the target dead-on, but the <<plink>> of the impact simply does not knock it over as it really should.

On my home from work today I listened to an NPR report featuring an older gal sharing her touching story about the marriage she had with her long-time same-sex partner, one who died a while after they finally got married. It was peppered with pithy remarks about the joys of marriage and how delightfully wonderful her relationship was and all the accompanying platitudes about how same-sex couples should be having the same exact privileges as opposite-sex couples.

I weep for these people, all of them, homosexually-minded people as well as those who are being fed this crap by World operatives using the channels of media indoctrination. I could spend a lot of time on this, and I'm sure I will when the Supreme Court starts hearing arguments next week about DOMA and Prop 8. It certainly seems both of these are doomed with the media continually pounding down the argumentum ad populum that everyone is pretty much in favor of same-sex marriage these days.

What I can't fathom is how any right minded individual can so readily say that a man should not have a sexual relationship with his seven year-old daughter but in the next breath consider it perfectly fine for a wickedly exploitive older man to manipulate the sentiments of a confused, needy, wounded, lonely just-turned 18 year-old boy in order to sodomize him.

On and on the pounding of the most rank humanist philosophy goes, and when truth is presented it merely <<plink>> bounces right off the target.

Also today Barack Obama was showcased speaking a lot during his trip to Israel. In his expressed sympathy of the Palestinians he actually spoke to an audience of Israelis who cheered him when he asked them to put themselves in the shoes of a Palestinian child who wants to have his own home. Yes, you got that right, he was actually applauded. Meanwhile some Palestinian child is helping to load a mortar to be launched and dropped on some of their children somewhere.

Now, maybe I got that wrong. Maybe I missed something there. Forgive me if I did. But it seems to me that when the original partition happened in 1948, the country of Jordan was formed specifically for the Palestinians. Again, maybe I'm not sure, forgive me, but it looks to me like Israel is a tiny sliver of a country that is filled with industrious people building a strong nation while those in the countries around it are bitter, vicious people who just want Israel destroyed. Never mind that originally, as it says in Scripture, God meant for Israel to be established all the way out to the middle of what is now Iraq.

This morning a news report, in its "objectivity," referred to the "Israeli occupation." Um, am I missing something here?

And please, I'm not all an apologist for Israel. I'm not wholly convinced Israel is necessarily this divinely ordained eschatologically directed region that'll herald the Second Coming someway somehow. I really don't know how bad it is for "Palestinians" being wretchedly exploited by however many ideologically minded powers-that-be. What I do know is that all these people, all of them, Israelis and Palestinians and the Oscar-winning actors like Obama are having their strings yanked all over the place by Operatives who are sworn to keep them in a state of abjectly benighted reprobation.

<<Plink>> again.

This weekend I'd heard about a Chicago police officer who committed suicide because he simply could not handle the evil he was beholding on a regular basis. Chicago's violence is so bad that I'd heard there are two Sandy Hooks in Chicago every month. It should break anyone's heart.

The phenomenal irony was, on Sunday I watched a bit of Meet the Press, and regular host David Gregory was interviewing the archbishop of Chicago about the new pope. The first thing I thought about was, there is Chicago, a virtual killing field -- and this guy is on national television spouting the virtues of the Catholic Church? Where for cryin' out loud has he been in all this? Telling everyone how hard they're all working to fix things up golly gosh? How long has Chicago been around? How long has the Catholic Church been there doing stuff? How long has this dude been a fancy-robed extraordinarily powerful person in the mix of it all?

It was just ghastly.

That wasn't the worst of it. Gregory asks him about the priest sexual abuse situation. He actually said something along the lines of, "Things will get better when we accompany them. But one of the problems is that they won't let us accompany them." I'm not sure the exact wording, but I do know he said the word "accompany" a couple of times.

I can't say I wasn't simply dumbfounded.

For Gregory to be the principled, righteous-minded man he should've replied, "Are you kidding me? What the hell do you mean 'accompany'? Are you kidding me? What on earth does 'accompany' mean? You are complicit in the criminal sexual abuse of God-knows how many people and you're saying you need to accompany them? I can't believe what I'm hearing!"

But he can't say that because Meet the Press itself is the official mouthpiece of the Roman institution.


I saw an ad this morning on Bloomberg's business show -- it was for reputation.com. The whole angle was how your business could have all those "fake" negative reviews removed and how the best ones can be highlighted to really get your product revved up.

I thought, "Okay, how exactly does this work? Will this reputation.com service really know what the fake ones are, and if not, will they deceitfully remove the genuine negative ones? And can't they just as easily make up good ones or at best manipulate things so that the best ones are more inequitably pronounced?" Sure there shouldn't be fake negative reviews posted merely to criminally undercut a competitor. But it is just as dishonest to give the better ones greater weight.

Isn't this precisely what the entire Roman Institution does? Full-on manipulation of everything and anything we see and think and feel about things for no other purpose than to destroy us?


<<Plink>> <<Plink>> <<Plink>>  <<Plink>>

Where is Gru when you need him?

Well, He's already come, in a way. But wherein Gru was a pretty bad dude at the beginning of the movie and had his heart radically changed by those girls to become a kind, caring, loving, giving father, this Guy started out as The One Who Loved With His Life.

He calls anyone who wants to love and be loved, to know and be known, to understand and be understood to come into his strong arms to be gripped by His gentle embrace. Careful, at the end of those arms are nail scars He got when He took the penalty for all of us pukes doing nothing different than what all these people were doing as described in this blog post.

The crazy thing is this.

He is coming again, but then He'll be more like the Gru who got a tad ticked off when the barker wouldn't honor the full meaning of what happened at the shooting gallery.

Yeah, I confess, I know I must be merciful because I've been shown mercy. And I do forgive, for forgiveness has been given to me, not just by God but by a whole lot of people who shouldn't be giving it to me. It is indeed not for me to judge, and I pray about that and work to live that out by the power of Christ every day.

But I also feel it. When I observe the things I observed recently, I do feel it.

And deep inside I cheer on Gru when he summarily blows away the shooting gallery.

It may be  <<Plink>> <<Plink>> <<Plink>> for now, but there will be a time when it will be


"Knocked over!!!"


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