The End of Folly

In my devotional this morning I read the beginning of the 51st chapter of Jeremiah. The whole last part of the prophet's book is about the judgment of Babylon, and in this particular passage was this from God: "I am going to arouse against Babylon... the spirit of a destroyer."

That just blew me away, that little part. Sure God is bringing judgment against a nation that deserves it, but hey, God had just used Babylon as an instrument of judgment against Israel. Here now it is going to get hammered by Persia. Which incidentally, will eventually get pasted by Greece, which will get scorched by Rome, which will get overrun by what is established as Britain, which gets its comeuppance from America, which...

The point is that so many here in the U.S. think they're invincible. Yeah, the U.S. has been pretty invincible for a while. But it is clear from the Bible that God only allows reprobate nations, particularly those doing the work of Cain, to do its work for a time, and then, yeah.

The spirit of the destroyer arrives.

The only protection against it is the blood of Christ. That's the only thing. That's it. Nothing else.

Recently the financial world was abuzz when uber-economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart published a paper declaring that economic growth is abysmally stunted when the debt-to-GDP ratio surpasses 90%, and this country zipped past that threshold a long time ago. Then some calculating errors were discovered in their work and a lot of people pointed fingers and spittled "It isn't so!" and breathed a sigh of relief.

Except that...

It doesn't matter what kind of debt you have, if any investment made wherever however does not translate into people doing things that are character-driven and make people's lives better out of love for others, your country is going to go right into the shitter.

And yeah, this country is indeed going headlong right into it. I don't even have to spew the gory details that would be considered financial porn by many people, "financial porn" being all the "The sky is falling!" stuff about the markets that appears so melodramatic.

I can just point out things like the Los Angeles Times editorial this morning that had me stunned. Sure I know what the Times is about, sure I know the World is as benighted as this paper's editorial demonstrates, but I also think how phenomenally evil this was -- and most just shrug.

It was about "transgender rights," and it spoke about how much we all need to be ever-so tolerant of those who wish to be considered the opposite sex than what their physical constitution declares them to be, and that some institutions like schools are starting to accommodate them by allowing them to use the bathroom that best coordinates with their "gender preference."

Why is this so tolerated? Because World operatives have done a brilliant job to browbeat us into tolerating it. If you don't tolerate it, you're a homophobic bigot. That editorial ended with a pronouncement that full gleeful acceptance of all sexual proclivities especially among young people is all going quite nicely and that "if the adults don't make trouble, chances are that things will be fine."

Excuse me? Excuse me?

It is clear. Essentially let young people give full reign to their sexual iniquity and back off. Those pesky intolerant adults just make things difficult. Not that this is intolerant or anything, no.

It definitely is more of the greatest, deepest, most horrific folly that will, yes, destroy the United States. And from what I see scripturally, the U.S.-U.K. hegemony is the last political entity to do the work of Cain in God's line of nation-judgment instruments.

Getting back to the economic thing, Robert Samuelson wrote a piece a couple weeks ago called "Trust in Macroeconomics Has Been Shattered." In it he refers briefly to the Rogoff-Reinhart issue, but pretty much says in so many words, "None of us really know what we're doing."

Of course they don't.

They don't think with the mind of Christ.

They can't. If they're beholden to Cain and as such out of the presence of God, they haven't a clue. It's what they do. It's standard behavior.

Just about everyone watches the pukifying celebration of sexual idiocy and most are confused about what to do or say that might challenge it because the thought police will glower at them. It's all part of the grand Catholicist show. How worthless are the foolish attempts of so many people to be this or that kind of person when they are just not. Add to this the fetid attempts by financial powers to try like crazy to make it all look good, and then we get people like Samuelson puzzled about why the macro world is in the crapper.

Really? Is this really a surprise? Really?

I share a bit more of what I'm seeing out there in my latest home page piece, which gets even more into these kinds of human sacrifice items. It's ugly, very ugly, but hey...

Christ still wants you to know of His love...

You can have it if you want...


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