That Cabin in the System

The other night I watched the horror film The Cabin in the Woods on DVD with my son and his buddies. It turns on its head the whole spookiness and scariness of a creaky old haunted cabin deep in the woods. As the film progressed it actually got goofier and goofier, but I think the filmmakers knew that so they made it all good fun, in spite of the grotesque blood-spewing violence. But then I think that's just the "Happy Tree Friends" trend nowadays. Hyperbolic gore -- hilarious!

The reason I mention it here is because the main pretext was there are these people in a huge control facility arranging the actual physical human sacrifice of five young adults for the purpose of pleasing "the old powerful ancients down there." It was all processed with the greatest precision in order to make sure that all of humankind is preserved pretty much on the basis of this blood-letting successfully satiating the ancients.

Thing is...

This is happening to everyone right now.

While the human sacrificing isn't about selected victims being summarily hacked to death by crazed zombie people wielding large rusty cutting instruments, it is still about people's value being hacked off by the most powerful extractors on the planet.

I've spent tons of web space elucidating this truth, and if you're interested I invite you to tour my webzine to find out more about this principle. Here I'm just posting in the blog to introduce my latest home page piece, one about how hard it is to really know the truth of things, particularly these things, without the One Who Is Truth to guide you.

The only reason I go crazy sharing items of a more financial orientation is that what we do with money and prices and giving and taking and official value assessments and all those things are the ways modern human sacrifice can be exposed the most. What's funny is that most see this, know it, shrug about it, let it be because we all want our take from the most proficient value extraction.

I can't help but add this quote, one for which I've been seeking a good place for some time. I'm just going to slap it in here and hold on to it for further use when that quite appropriate place shows itself. But it fits with the idea of the reality of this "cabin in the world" where we all shake and shiver in dread of the extracting beast just outside the window.

"The bulk of incremental financial activity is trading, and trading, while it may provide a little useful public information about market opinion, is largely a way to transfer wealth from those with inferior information and calculation ability to those with more. There is no enhancement of economic efficiency to speak of. This is, you might say, the $64 trillion question."

These words are from Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Solow -- did you catch that? Nobel Prize winning. This isn't just some schlub saying what's what. (BTW it was in The New Republic April 8 2013) Thing is, even he can't answer the $64 trillion dollar question -- such a large number because there are indeed quite large chunks of people being shanked, sliced, and shelved to appease the greatest grandest highest powers-that-be.

I'm just saying it's what the World does, and always will do. I'm just saying you can't change it no matter how spiffy your approach is. I'm just saying the way to get off the altar is to go to all the way over to Christ who will embrace you and protect you from the most brutal extracting.

But you gotta go to Him waaay over there. Oh He's right there next to you waiting for you to say "I want to be yours." But He's an infinite distance away from the World.

And again, the only way you can know that truth is by

The Truth.


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