Critical Mass

When Tupper Saussy was thinking about when to release his latest work, Gods for the Godless, he mentioned that the most opportune time would be when things happening were approaching "critical mass." I knew what he meant by that, but he passed away in 2007 without ever getting to the point when that would be actualized. (Here's a page with a link to the original material for that book.)

Still, I wonder, when will things reach critical mass? When will that happen, perhaps when people will either actually come to Christ or just flat-out ask God for rocks to drop on them to keep them from even having to face His judgment? No matter, we all will anyway. Everyone is resurrected. Just depends on whether you're being resurrected into life or into judgment.

I could mention a few of the things I see going on out there. There's the gal who today rammed her car into the White House barricade, and was gunned down with a child in the backseat (who apparently was okay). I could speak of the hundred-plus migrants who drowned when their overcrowded boat capsized in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. I could even mention the idiotic things the Democrats are saying to insidiously employ the worst kind of politics to ram the destruction of the health care industry down the throats of everyone, but then, the Republicans are spineless wimps who let them get away with it, and the media dictate everything anyway, so -- that's the World for you.

More human sacrifice stories in all their ghastly glory.

What of it.

I mean, really, that stuff is really all that bad? As a history teacher I can only think about things like World War II, where whole villages throughout eastern Europe were decimated, the most horrific things done to quiet, simple people. And that's just a sampling of the stupefying things man had done to his fellow man during that time. Why wasn't that "critical mass"?

Well, I guess it was, but it seems people today are just as godless and clueless as ever, so what of it?

I read a piece the other day that spoke about churches and church groups around the country vociferously bemoaning the cuts in the food stamp program, which really amounted to merely scaling it back to 2010 levels. But all of them were in the mix, the Lutherans and the Presbyterians and the Baptists and a bunch of others declaring that the federal government slashing food stamp provisions was -- well, whatever negative language you want to insert there.

So, yeah, I just wonder.

Who is being Jesus to those who desperately need him?

Who is doing the true gospel work when the traditional churches are just part of Caesar's domain? When did Jesus ever say, "Go out and get Caesar to force people to give to the poor"? Because when a church, certainly a 501c3 one, steps up and belches what these churches have belched, they are not doing anything Jesus said to do.

Jesus was all about doing your giving because you loved. He was even further about doing your sowing because you want to see the very best in other people, that they find tremendous contentment from their own relationships with those who love them (including God), their own discovery about the wonderful gift of creation God made and His gifts they have in themselves and in those in their community, and in their own accomplishments using those gifts for the edification of all.

Caesar is about giving to assuage guilt, feel superior, and get a nifty tax discount. Caesar is about collecting tribute from those who want to pay to stay wallowing in their sinful behavior. Caesar is about pounding out the law and public assistance piddle to keep millions in a pathetic and perpetual codependent enslavement. And please, don't get me wrong -- God approves of this, because the World System God set in motion with Cain keeps murderous people from murdering people, maybe for a while.

But maybe for a while that is just enough for them to come to Christ.

Still, I just wonder. When will critical mass hit for Jesus to return? Maybe He does tarry so more people can come to Him, turn to Him, seek salvation from Him. Because I think about it, when He does return, that's it. It's a done deal. Everything melts. All that man built up through the eons of time comes crashing down. All that's left is Him, and His Kingdom.

So yeah, when is that critical mass going to happen when people are really truly actually coming to Him?


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