Conspiracy Theory No. 42,000

With the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination about a week away, everyone's getting all kinds of conspiracy stuff splashed in their faces. With a bit of fascination about the events of November 22nd 1963, the other night I watched part of a television show that declared the second gunman was a Secret Service agent who accidentally shot the president from a vehicle traveling behind the president.

Um, yeah. Right.

The suggestion did have a lot of compelling things going for it, the smell of gunpowder all around, the very great likelihood a very poor marksman like Oswald simply could not have fired all three shots in such a short period of time, the persistent interference by Secret Service agents for virtually every moment of the post-assassination assessment of the forensic evidence, and others.

But then, why did Kennedy's head still move backwards so dramatically with that final shot? It simply could not have come from behind but in front. And this agent shot him accidentally? He yanks up a gun, waves it about with the safety off, and accidentally pulls the trigger to accidentally fire a bullet that somehow by crazy coincidence arranges to go directly at the head of an already shot president -- come on. And if the agent did do it deliberately, why did he do it? Not a word about any of that.

But yeah, gotta get our jollies about the conspiracy, as well as give great gobs of ridicule fodder for detractors who do often have great reason to light into the theorists.

I watched the film Room 237 the other night, and it was a lot of fun. It was about all the secret symbols and meanings in Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film The Shining. Much of it was quite hokey, all of it was entertaining, and some of it was legitimate articulation of the way the World works from the brilliant mind of one of the greatest filmmakers ever.

I did like the attention given to references to the eagle, which is a symbol of Rome, America, and (coincidentally enough!) Nazi Germany. I was also intrigued by the number 42, and would like to investigate the kabbalah behind that number. One of the things I thought about the number is that it is seven less than 49 -- 7 times 7 -- which has been the standard number of times one should forgive. Jesus of course said one should forgive 70 times 7. But just the idea of 42 -- 6 times 7 -- being a way to refuse to come close to having to get to a point where forgiveness is required. True forgiveness can only come from attending to the Kingdom. The World however is an infinite distance from the Kingdom, as much as 42 times is from 49 times.

Whatever all of this means, most fear the folly of being conspiracy theorists and dismiss most of it as good fun, at its best. Few are willing to be what I call World System factualists, just looking to see the standard ways Caesar manipulates things to effectuate his task: keep people and their rottenness in check.

System factualists may be interested in a recent incident that went bonkers viral across social media: the pope physically embraced an individual who suffered very visibly from neurofibromatosis, or the "Elephant Man's" disease. How many praised this pope! Wonderful! Compassionate! Courageous!

What a great show!

That last remark sounds sarcastic, but I mean that sincerely. The pope is there to put on a great show. Many revile the pope as an anti-Christ who draws people from God through the pagan institution that is Rome. Many others adore him as a great world leader who now -- wow! -- urges us to be softer kinder religious folk. Still many others pay him little heed, he's just some hifalutin dude in a spiffy white outfit doing morally schnazzy things of some sort, eh.

What is the more deeply meaningful perspective here?

It is that he is authentically doing the job God wants him to do, truly. That job is a difficult and challenging one, and indeed one authorized by God to do when man first started doing enlightened things. One of the first of those things was to commit an act of sacrificial killing against another human being. The individual who did that first was granted by God the task that the pope has now: severely regulate the behavior of reprobate people. He does it completely outside of the presence of God, he has seven times the strength of any other individual, institution, or government, and he identifies himself through iconographic signatures that proclaim who he is and what he does.

How splendid that this pope can do that by seducing people further into the System's clutches with grandiose displays of mercy and gentleness. Really try hard to follow his example, really work at being as kind as you possibly can be to one another, really make others weep at your magnanimity...

Never mind cleaning out your wicked heart all together by turning to Christ as He is and then having the richest, deepest, truest expression of love toward one another.

A book I'm reading right now is The Physics of Wall Street, kind of interesting treatise on the mathematical and scientific approaches to how the numbers are produced in the financial markets. I just started it, I'll probably get into a bit more, see what it says, but I will tell you I've already jumped to the end to see what they say is the main thing of all.

Sure enough, it's the same ol' same ol'.

Things sure are shitty with finance stuff, yeah. And we'll need newer ideas so it isn't shitty any more, yeah. And we need better this and that to see, yeah, that the shit doesn't happen anymore. Yeah...

That's it? This after this author supposedly gets into the most turgid math exposing the World's hapless value assessment practices -- indeed after showcasing the ways the World does modern human sacrifice. After all that he just gives us "Gotta have something else new and different..."

Um, hey. I have a new idea. It's actually a pretty old idea, actually, an eternally old one in fact -- but you won't listen because, well, yeah...

The System has convinced you to believe in a straw man Jesus.

But if they would turn to the Real One.

There's The Idea.

Check Him out.

I confess I get discouraged sometimes. I see more and more how many many people just refuse to see and hear. I still persevere, though, a lot with my webzine. Just sharing all this to introduce my latest home page piece. It is here. Would love for you to read it, think about it, email me if you want.


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