The Instrument Designed to Land on the Soul

The big story these days is about the large washing-machine-sized instrument that landed on a comet. Very impressive.

I wonder about the instrument that has yet to land on the souls of so many.

That instrument is the Bible, and yet it has been so sabotaged by Catholicist forces that it cannot do the job it was intended to do.

Register the connection to that which is most important.

Right now I am so tired that I simply cannot put much more into this blog post. I would, I would love to. I live to share truths with anyone who'd like to read my blog. There is so much more I could say about that.

I see the most heinous things related to sexuality and I so long to add cogent remarks. Homosexualism explodes, yet in Hollywood right now a documentary called An Open Secret is going to expose some of the most renowned filmmakers as the worst sexual deviants. Huh?

I see the most idiotic remarks made about the glories of oppressively hegemonic government, and when the realities of the way that all works are revealed in great candor by an MIT professor elucidating what universal health care is really about, the blindness is yet compounded more.

So much to talk about, so much to write about, so much to converse about...

But, um...


Anyway, would love to write more, but I did a bit of that with my latest home page piece. Here's that heads-up from my blog. I usually put up a heads-up post earlier, but, well, there ya go.

This one's about some of that insanity that always finds its way in the public square. The spiritual violence that happens behind the scenes sometimes seeps into mainstream, and yet, wow, who knows what to do with that?

Such a mess.

Like the mess of a comet -- dirty ice flying haphazardly through space. How about the instrumentation being used to find out about it? I heard it was kind of a rough landing.

Seems like the way it is with people applying God's word to their lives.



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