More Laws, More Coaches, More Satirical Amusement, More, More, More...

So many things continue to happen out there and all around that beg for worship of those who rule the Catholicist Nation. It's 2015, but nothing is new about how the City Builder seeks more souls to put on the value extraction altar. Thought I'd write about a few here, but this'll be more like a mention just to introduce my latest home page piece.

I recently looked at a bit more about that Stephen Colbert finale, something I wrote about in the piece. Along with all those who showed up to send Colbert off -- those whose voices get to be shoved into the authorized World mouthpiece -- there was a bit of an apotheosis for Colbert. Apparently he killed death, declared himself immortal, and rode a sleigh into the heavens with Santa Claus, Abraham Lincoln, and Alex Trebek. Yes, this is a typical Colbert tack making fun of people who have idols, that's fine. Great amusement.

Except that Colbert's approach to everything still conveys the idea that anyone who believes in considered religious items actually believe in fanciful fairy tales and while we'll all humor you, you religious people, you are all still frightfully misled folk who believe in things like immortality and gods who defeat death.

Well, that's a critical part of the essence of Jesus, that he actually did that, that He does provide hope for us in the face of sin and death. Really, in actuality. But then Colbert is really only looking at the Catholicist Jesus, some dead guy statue hanging limp on a cross. That's the only Jesus he knows, so, no wonder.

Meanwhile, I opened my newspaper yesterday to this headline. "930 new California laws go into effect." ::Sigh:: So we need more laws? People's love grows so cold that they can't carry through the one law necessary, that you love God with all your heart and you love your neighbor the same? I could get into some of those laws, just not going to right now. Too depressing.

Of course, the other brief item is what I saw on Bloomberg this morning, an interview with the guy who started the website "" Now you can go online and check in with a coach, supposedly to tell you helpful things about your health goals, for instance. Eating, exercise, all that stuff. You could even go online to find out what Nitro, that guy from American Gladiators years ago, what he thinks about reaching your life goals. Apparently he's very popular.

What about soul coaches? Don't even think they exist anymore. What I mean are ministers of God's truth and grace and word and mercy and wholeness and righteousness and fellowship and salvation. I guess lots of churches are out there, but people today just think of them as places to go for spiffy things to hear about eating, exercise, all that stuff. Churches now are just big coaching institutions.

Instead of places to find Christ.

Well, some of why more and more people are given over to Cain and the beauty and wonders of his city is at my webzine. Would love for you to read it. Let me know what you think. Would love to hear from you.

Even more, would love for you to believe on Him.


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