Don't Worry, Stupidity Is Painful

There's that bumper sticker, you know, "Stupidity Should Be Painful." I actually think it is painful, it's just so many stupid people simply smile through the agony.

I saw a meme the other day, something along those lines, something like, "When you die, after you're dead you don't know you're dead and others have to feel the pain. It's the same thing with stupidity."

I think that's the tragic part about stupid people. It's painful for them and for others, and they don't even know it.

I was reading tonight in the Word, and came across one of those several places where the Bible's version of these memes appears. Really, the Bible says a lot about stupidity. This one was originally in the sixth chapter of Isaiah. There it is again in the 13th chapter of Matthew: "People don't understand when they could understand, and they remain really stupid." Really, that's about what it says. Check it out, you'll see.

I share all this because I did already upload my latest home page piece, pretty much about how people just fail to see that their efforts to turn the government into a loving and caring institution is an act of utter stupidity. Part of what I wrote about in the piece is about what is going on with the immense migration that is going on today.

Sure enough, tonight a featured story on 60 Minutes was about that very thing, about the thousands of migrants trying to get from war-torn Africa and the Middle East into Europe across the Mediterranean. It had all the typical human interest/suffering stories, but what got me were the remarks by one migrant gentleman sitting there with his wife, relaying what it was like in wherever-benighted-place-he-came-from.

Here were his words, put down here as accurately as I can.

"There's no love, only monsters." After he wept for a moment, he continued. "No one loves anyone anymore. Even brothers do not love brothers."


I heard those tearful words and sure enough it relates precisely to what Christ said it would be like in the last days. Not only love growing cold, but family members turning against other family members.

I don't necessarily think Jesus is returning tomorrow. He might, sure. Get Him in your heart now if you think He will. Yeah I'd like Him to return right now. But a lot of this stuff has still been happening for millennia when people were also saying, "Come quickly Lord Jesus."

Some even think He'd already come, around the time of the Roman sacking of Jerusalem two millennia ago. I think they're wrong because it doesn't account for so many biblical conditions such as that every single human on the planet would see it or know about it. The Bible says when He returns, oh yeah, we'll all know it.

But I think He tarries because things may just get so rotten that there will indeed be many more who'll see it, be repulsed by it, and encounter an ambassador for Christ who'll share the Kingdom with them, and they'll be His.

Really share the Kingdom with them.

A glorious day, even before His really Glorious Day.

More at my webzine. Have a look. Let me know what you think.


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