The Wisdom of God is Foolishness to the World

I peeked a bit at my Facebook page which I do every once in a while. Not often, but sometimes I just look at it, see what friends are saying and doing. Yes, most of it is banal, non-offensive blather, but they're my friends. I still love them.

Last night I saw something which made me grieve. I just want to share it here. I'd love to share it on "the wall" on Facebook, but it would be terribly offensive, I know.

What I saw was a number of different people, from different areas of my life, all posting a video clip of the same exact thing. It was Jon Stewart's pontifical speech about the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine black people gathered in a church were shot and killed by a white man.

First of all, when I heard about this incident I knew right away, I knew. I knew the news media would take this and run like crazy with it. It is the perfect news item to showcase more than any other, tailor-made for them to righteously spout the System's narrative. Sure enough, you cannot see enough of it. It is splashed everywhere right now.

It's got everything. Victimized blacks -- humble religious ones no less. Sad whacko loner white man perpetuating the racist hate among all racist and mostly white oppressors everywhere. Gun culture run amuck yet again. Good wholesome liberal people joining hands and raising the banner for tolerance and getting-along and tolerance wonderfulness all with tears in their eyes and all the rest of it.

Please, I'm not denigrating anything about what happened or how tragic and sorrowful it all is. What I am doing is calling out how it is all exploited by the modern myth-makers for more System empowerment. I'm not even dismissing System empowerment -- Cain must carry out his violent provocations as a matter of divine appointment. (By the way, here is a homepage piece I wrote a couple years ago that gets right at the heart of all of this.)

What I am calling out is the abject foolishness of those who follow right along with it all and don't see it for what it is. Here's a classic example right out of my newspaper this morning. Look at this image.

It is of Ashley Moser. there seated next to the tree, the woman who was shot and paralyzed by James Holmes in that movie theater massacre a couple years ago. She lost her 6-year-old daughter in that shooting, and it is considered she also miscarried her unborn child as a result. The concluding portion of the Holmes trial is happening right now, and it offers yet another opportunity for the System media hacks to stir the narrative. Sorry, we can feel deeply for Ms. Moser and her tragedy, but all of this is repulsive. I feel deeply for Ms. Moser here because she's being so brazenly exploited.

You see, this picture is a picture of a picture. It just isn't real. It's no different from reality TV that's truly not reality at all. We are all fools to believe that what the System shapes and forms in front of us is what life and meaning and truth and grace is all about. But then, people who glomm onto Cain are just as much distanced from Him as Cain was. They haven't a clue.

It is the same with the Jon Stewart video.

In it he rails against this whole Charleston massacre with just the right amount of thoughtful emotion and dramatic expression and just enough "THIS IS HATE!" "THIS IS RACISM!" shout-downs in the mix. Then he says something that seemed to resonate with these Facebook linkers.

"And we won't do jack shit about it."

Wow. So profound, such a vibrant call to action, so invigorating and stirring!

He's right! HE'S RIGHT! Let's make sure THIS time we DO something about it! Every time this happens no one does jack shit! Well by golly this time let's just get going and DO JACK SHIT FOR ONCE! YEAH! ARE YOU WITH US?!

Excuse me, but, what exactly ARE you going to do?

How about take more guns away? Please, I personally am all for workable gun laws. But that's still Cain's agency working it all to give advantages to people who can use guns with impunity. Cain doesn't even want people without guns because the use of them sustains the rationalization for Cain to use them himself to show how great and powerful he is! This is not even to address the issue that a destructive physical instrument doesn't get at the real issue of the human heart, or that each of us is one minute away from meeting Jesus anyway. The main thing is not whether that will happen from a bullet to the head or a stopped 106-year-old heart, the main thing is whether we will meet Him as savior or as judge.

How about more medications for these kinds of people? Please, I do like that medicine is so advanced these days, I'm not a Christian Scientist. But how much medication do we need, and who decides who actually needs it? I've now seen many instances in which psychiatric drugs simply do not work as they say they do -- and I know not just from reading about them from authoritative sources but from personal experience with several I know. They can even be destructive, perfect for accomplishing Cain's ends. Even more significantly, how can simple medications cure the most pressing spiritual needs we have? We've jettisoned God and expect a pill to fix that.

How about more hate crime laws? Please, I'm against racism as much as the next guy, but hate crime laws set apart classifications of people in plain violation of the 14th amendment. What happens when I very articulately and justifiably argue against people committing sodomous acts against one another because it is clearly a sexual crime (no matter that most think it isn't and I'm just a bigoted narrow-minded Neanderthal)? That kind of thinking is clearly on its way to being officially a hate crime. And again, why would Cain be against hate crimes? The only way he can enjoy prosecuting them is to make sure they're around all the time!

How about declare it a terrorist act and just start crackin' heads damn it!? Please, I'm all for government doing its job to protect and to serve. But, um, yeah. This is pretty much what Jon Stewart explicitly recommended in his rant so beloved by all. Cain already cracks heads, that's his job, but to Jon Stewart's credit much of what Cain does is for show and display and exhibition. Thing is, actually getting rid of bad things would mean these people -- including Jon Stewart -- would have nothing to do anymore. The most frightening thing is the extent to which Cain must brashly and incessantly proclaim certain groups as "The Evil Ones" for it to prosecute with extreme prejudice -- I think Jesus said something about being dragged into synagogues and stuff like that... That those who do that would boast they're doing it in the name of God... I think He did say stuff about that if I'm not mistaken.

How about just have more interfaith dialogue and people getting together and getting along and doing things where we don't hate each other so much? Please, I like it when people get along, but the fact is with dark hearts and wicked minds it doesn't matter how much smiliness you put on faces, people still hate and hurt and if they don't do their violence in physical ways they will still do it in spiritual and emotional ways. Ever been to one of those "interfaith" meetings whatever the conflicting interests there are? The spiritual violence injected into those affairs by the powers and principalities fully responsible for that conflagration is crushingly oppressive.

How about make everyone believe in Jesus? Please, I want people to believe in Jesus, but there are just too damn many counterfeit Jesuses out there. Some people won't believe in Jesus no matter what you say. Doesn't mean we shouldn't stop trying, but the real issue is whose Jesus are we being asked to believe on? Ultimately, if you don't know the distinction between the World and the Kingdom, you just won't get this. It isn't that they all won't do jack shit, it is that they can't do jack shit. They'll scream and cry and holler and weep and shout and flail about, but if they don't get the Kingdom they'll always do jack shit which only ever really amounts to much more of the same.

A few days ago in the Tupper Saussy group I have at Facebook one member posted remarks about the amazing images presented in the 28th chapter of Acts, such as the bundle of sticks Paul picks up (the fasces symbol of System hegemonic power) and the viper who bites him (the religious hypocrites who must administer that System). I look at that chapter and see at the very end the words from the sixth chapter of Isaiah repeated once again. Those words are essentially God saying

"You deaf, dumb, and blind people. Stop that. Then you'd understand, and be healed."

Really, that's it. Oh how deaf dumb and blind are my best Facebook friends. I grieve for them, I really do.

And I do get discouraged. Some of them are Christian friends who should know better, but I do understand. They're Catholicized. I was once like them. I still have Catholicist sentiments banging around in my soul, there are still remnant parts of that. I'm still on the road, learning to understand better and know Him more, I'm with you.

But I do pray that they -- as much as I pray this for me -- would ask God to make them hear, and see, and understand. I pray like crazy that people who say they're Jesus's would get out of the System and its machinations -- a lot of which is the ugly mythology spewed in our faces -- and make whole, free worship assemblies set apart to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

No matter what I can always do that.

Just FYI, here's a page about that worship assembly.


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