Covered Cain

I had been meaning to put up a blog post as a follow-up to "Prayers with Incense," but I simply haven't had time to sit down and pound out another post. Much of that time has been spent with family -- I so need them to help steel me against the continuing onslaught of the world and the World. The former are all those given over to their own wretched behavior, the latter the authorized system charged with enabling it.

I happened to catch some historical thing on television the other day, and an interviewee blurted out the words "The world is getting crazier." Thing is, this was fifty years ago. I realized, no, no, the world isn't getting crazier. It's always been a cesspool of people brazenly acting on their own concupiscent shit. It's just sometimes we glance a bit too much at it and it becomes nearly unbearable.

I'd actually cataloged a number of items to address, but eh, just not going to get into all of it. Right now I am looking at the way the System's spokesholes simply will not cover the story about the Planned Parenthood official speaking about how abortions should be done in order to save the vital body parts. I can't see how they aren't conspicuously silent because they've been indoctrinated with the idea that "Ye are gods": You may make your own decisions about what you want to do with your sexuality and your reproductive capacity and if you need a vital organ the government will make sure it's arranged for you to have one. Ohh! Whuh... you mean there are people who want to get in your way trying to do that? People who actually think a pre-born baby is a -- gasp -- human being?!

Last night a physically self-mutilated Bruce Jenner in a dress gave a long speech at ESPN's sports awards show -- believe me I didn't watch it but noted it on news broadcasts about the event -- and he was celebrated for his "courage". What horrifically embarrassing folly -- not just that Bruce Jenner is a fool but that all who smile and applaud are too.

"Ye are gods."

The other night my wife and I were out walking and we came across a neighborhood friend. We chatted, and she happened to bring up that her daughter needed knee surgery and that she was a part of "Covered California", the state's exchange to provide for health care items in the Affordable Care Act joyfully known as "Obamacare". Turns out this gal discovered it is nearly impossible to get a date to address her medical need.


"Ye are gods and ye shalt have all others applaud you and service you and pay for all your needs."

Then when it doesn't happen in real actual life -- then what? (For just a taste of this now rampant absurdity, non-productive Greeks are rioting now that they've been told they won't be getting as much of other people's money handed to them as they thought. The prime minister responded by whining that he'd only agreed to the deal because they held "a knife to my neck.")

One of the things I wanted to post about was all this talk about "religious liberty." Look at how much everyone is now fighting valiantly to protect it.

But think about it.


That's what you want? That's it???

Look at Paul. He had no religious liberty, was thrown in jail all the time. Yet he didn't give nearly as much of a rip about that (oh he did, don't get me wrong -- "Remember my chains") as he did ministering Christ to emotionally wounded and spiritually dead people.

The Religious Liberty movement is just a System inspired crusade to keep people's mouths stuck against the System -- ::schklorch:: -- like lampreys feeding on a bigger fish. Indeed it'll get ramped up just to keep good raging Catholicists enraged, that's all.

After that Supreme Court decision about same-sex "marriage", a friend on Facebook directed me to her brother-in-law's blog post. The dude's a big-shot educator for Fuller, which is a pretty big-shot evangelical institution of higher education. I read through it, thinking I'd find the same old standard "Christian" response, ya-da-ya.

But then I found him saying something very different. He actually brings up the idea of getting out of all that crap and reclaiming the truthful things outside of Cain's domain. Now, he doesn't exactly say that because I don't think he has the slightest idea what that means, what I just wrote right there.  Hardly anyone does because they're so inured by the World's way of arranging what you're supposed to think.

Still, huh, how about that. Whaddya say?

Get out of the World System.

Let's be on the forefront of living by truth again, with wisdom and insight and grace and forbearance.

But see, here's the thing. I'm convinced that can only happen if we abjure that realm and do everything we should be doing for the Kingdom from the Kingdom and not the World System.


No more church/ministry 501c3's. No more W-4's and paying taxes we don't owe. No more Social Security registrations. No more of any of those items that give over to Cain's operatives the measure of our wealth used for sowing healing and salvation and wholeness and righteousness into communities. How about it?

Yes we'd have to give up any and all of the "goodies" Cain's officers want to lavish upon us. But why not?!

We have the Kingdom for cryin' out loud!

And yes, when I say "cryin' out loud" I do mean that I weep buckets for people who say they're followers of Christ, that they love with His love, but then hop right into bed with Cain. Yes, excuse me, but all that shit: 501c3's and W-4's and SS#'s and a dozen other registrations and contracts and licenses and all of them are just ways to commit adultery with the World. Not all of them, but most of them are items we do not need to do the greatest, most magnificent Kingdom work there is.

I mean, look at what's being defecated upon this country right now.

The sexuality ugliness and the health care brutality and the murderous race-baiting and abortion war hell that is festering more and more and more.

To say you really want to do something about those things but remain attached at the hip to Cain?

That's just wanting to remain intractably Catholicized, and forgive me... Well, some of it means I'm just going to weep some more.

Hey, look over there, someone like Mike McNichols sees it.

Just don't know he'll want to do anything about it -- or anyone will for that matter.

You know, I think about all the piddly little things people want to do through Cain in order to just make things all better by golly. Before I weep I actually laugh it is so comical, it really is. In my devotional time I'd just finished reading the book of Revelation, and I still think about the 16th chapter of that book.

Read it. Go ahead, read it. I'd like for you to. In fact, how great is web stuff like this blog. Here's a link to it right here. Go there and read it, please.

Now that you've read it, what say you about your pathetic attempts to get Cain to listen to your pitiful bleating about "religious liberty"? Huh? Or even making sure your tax payments will get Cain to ensure that his racketeers won't come and yank your house and all those trinkets on the mantle away from you?

I mean -- please.

What the blazes is all that worth when it comes to a soul, much like Bruce Jenner's, much like any one of his starry-eyed sycophants, that is on the greasiest slide to Hell?



Really, if you are even remotely interested further in any of that basis of what I've shared here, first go to Scripture, that's first. But then I invite you to peruse my webzine, look around at my take on things and see what you think. I do have a passion for worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth. Just looking for people to do that with, that's all.


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