Bill Nye, the Spokeshole Guy

My attention was brought to a video Bill Nye "the Science Guy" did to proclaim that science "proves" that abortion is perfectly okay. After reading about its content, I went ahead and watched a bit of it, and sure enough it is worthless pap spouted by World Ops to convince everyone that people are perfectly justified to continue committing acts of modern human sacrifice against other human beings.

Nye's first argument revolves around the statement that fertilized ova die all the time through natural means, so the clear intimation is that mothers are perfectly within their rights to terminate the lives of their own fertilized ova.

So that means that if I'm carrying on my back a fellow hiker with an injured leg, and we're walking on a narrow trail along a high ledge, the instant I get tired of this I'm good with just throwing him down the steep incline to his death? I mean, people slip and stumble off cliffs while hiking and die all the time.

What is so appalling about this whole Bill Nye defends abortion crap is that it is presented as science and that so many mainstream news outlets promoted it as such. It still blows my mind the breadth of the stultifyingly benighted idiocy of the people buying this -- and there are millions who do.

They simply do not think, they haven't the smallest amount of common sense -- or decency for that matter -- yet

I do grieve for them because they are so thoroughly seduced by the Father of Lies.

So, as I've said many times before, I just pray for them.

Here's the truth, in case you're interested, and want the truth about things.

First of all, Bill Nye isn't doing science he's doing philosophy. There isn't a scintilla of science in his video. Just saying he's a science guy doesn't mean squat. In fact, really, he's just a pathetic spokeshole for the people put these words in his mouth. Remember the equally idiotic "debate" he had with Ken Ham about evolution? The news media lapped it up, but it was merely a modern-day carnival show. Ridiculous.

Secondly, here's the -- I confess philosophy -- but it is indeed the scientifically based reality of human beings.

A fertilized ovum that progresses from conception to old age is a human being, as classified by all the characteristics fully accepted by every reputable scientist.

The resolve: A human embryo is an individual, living, human being.

1. She is an individual. She is distinct from her mother, her father, and other living things.

2. She is living. Her body is characterized by metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.

3. She is human. She carries DNA with a distinctly human genetic signature from the instant of conception.

4. She is a being. She is a self-contained, self-integrated entity with her own nature. She has the innate capacity to proceed through the full series of developmental stages.

Because she is an individual, living, human being just like us, only at a different stage of development, just like a toddler or a teenager, she must be afforded all the protections of life that all human beings enjoy.

Therefore: No justification for "terminating" her is reasonable, whether for the convenience of not caring for her or for any other expressed purpose. If she is indeed an individual, living, human being, then it is absolutely, categorically, unequivocally a moral crime of the highest order to take her life.

Thirdly, I must add that there is forgiveness, healing, and salvation for those who've consented to abortions or endorse making them available. Jesus Christ opens His arms to the worst of the abortion-minded.

But is Bill Nye going to speak about that? And why not?

It isn't just because he's a committed materialist, but because he gets paid big money to keep being that spokeshole for the System.

Hey, everyone's got a job to do.


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