The Slippery Slope to Hell

Felt like pounding out this post while waiting for 60 Minutes to rebroadcast its piece from last fall, the one that brilliantly illuminated the crushing drug problem in this country right now. There is an opiate epidemic that is literally killing more and more people. I have a feeling they're showing it again because there are reports of a substantial increase in suicides, especially among white middle-aged men.

I know why this is happening.

60 Minutes won't tell you why. They'll address the horrors in all their splendid glory, but they don't know why. There'll be lots of "Why?!"s through the tears, of course. There always is, but the saddest fact is these people abjectly refuse to see the answer.

It comes in the answer to the following question.

What possesses seemingly sane, wholesome, and very Christianly people to plan, organize, and prepare to participate in a Jericho-oriented demonstration at the California state capitol?

Whuh? What does that have to do with rampant drug abuse?

Now I only know about this event from a cursory explanation on a Christian music radio show. Here's what I heard. A bubbly lady speaking about how the church needs to be living in unity, all under the banner of one thing, "Jesus Christ!" Of course I ask, Which Jesus? (If you're paying attention, this starts to get at the answer to the question about the drug abuse connection...)

She went on to explain that everyone attending was going to circle the capitol building in Sacramento seven times, just like it happened around Jericho in the Bible, and that after that they'd blow the horn, just like in the Bible, and then they'd do Christian things, you know, pray, worship, do 501c3 non-profit kindness things...

All I could say to the radio there on the dash was, "Please don't do this thing. Please don't." All I could think about was what actually happened in the Bible story -- what happened with Jericho. See, God didn't have them do all that just to make a statement. No, he had them do all that to take down walls after which everyone rushed into the city to destroy everyone and everything in it.

Ahem. Are these wonderfully-intentioned people planning to do that? I know what their real intentions are. To make a statement! To take back our state! To get everyone to be Christian again!

But what they are actually doing is taunting, berating, indeed expressing a form of rebellion to God-ordained authorities that God clearly tells us is a form of witchcraft.

Yes, fine Christian people all joining together and doing fully Catholicist things. There is more to it, but simply put they are all -- with their calls for unity and activities in 501c3 non-profits -- doing what the Roman Catholic Church wants them to do. Doesn't matter what you think or feel or say about it, you are being a good, dutiful Roman Catholic.

And that is perfectly legitimate.

It is.

It is the legacy of Cain for the purpose of rigorous sin management.

I'm watching this drug abuse episode on 60 Minutes, and right now they're talking with a couple of kids who did drugs and are now speaking about the drug courts giving them a chance with requested commitments to stay clean and therapy and all that spiffy stuff Cain's legacy provides. They both expressed gratitude and the boy added he was introduced to life.


Which life?

The life the World System showcases and markets is not life. It may feel good for a while, but unless you get at the core issue, the sin deep in the heart of the individual, misery will still hammer you.

And this misery is right now exploding around the globe.

The only answer is Jesus Christ. No, not the pathetic Catholicist Jesus Christ, but The Jesus Christ, maker of the universe and sacrificer of His own life so people can have freedom from their sin and woundedness and misery and addictions.

The Catholicist Jesus is just some hifalutin guy in the clouds somewhere. But yeah, so yeah! I know! -- Where is this Real Jesus?

Oh He is sitting at the right hand of the Father, yes, and that may seem to make Him distant and meaningless and pointless. I got that.

Except that Jesus said those who follow Him would actually BE Him to those who seek Him and His freedom and joy and mercy and righteousness.

Those people shaking their fist at the people in the state capitol are not those people.

People so wretchedly wounded and so very liable to do drugs or get into some other horrifically destructive thing need people who are self-sacrificially Jesus, who know Him and love just like Him.

But where are they?

Where are they?

Out pointlessly walking around Jupiter's temple trying to get Jupiter to change things? What a joke!

In fact, I want to weep right now because the very last words in that 60 Minutes piece, just now, just as I finished typing that last sentence, was a woman who runs a drug treatment facility, a former addict herself, after being asked if there is an end in sight, said in the most firm, insistent way,

"I don't see an end at all, not at all."

If only she, if only anyone, would know someone who is Christ to them.


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