The Edward Bernays Factor

The latest presidential election has come and gone, and there are no fewer than, oh, 18,000 different things that can be said about it. Much of it has been said, and more will be said.

Donald Trump shocked everyone by winning. This is a gentleman who for years as "The Donald" was ridiculed as a boorish immature rich guy who regularly flaunted his persona to everyone's dismay -- or amusement as the case may have been. When he made the latest serious run for president he went up against a number of politician wimps who simply would not challenge the idiotic neo-progressive movement that has ravaged the U.S.

His brash brutishness got him elected, really. Everyone has believed that he'll be the one to blow out all that stuff, but, sorry, don't hold your breath. Just after the election, barely a day or two later, he said he'll keep certain parts of the Affordable Care Act. His buddy Ben Carson -- beloved by evangelicals everywhere -- said he's already got plans to replace it with something else.

That's nice.

Not a word about the real solution: Abandon the whole thing and replace it with nothing.

When the real solution is mentioned, progressively infected people screech about how that'll push poor old people into the street. Um, no it won't. The fact that there is this abomination in any of its forms is the reason there are poor people liable to be sick in the streets to begin with.

There wouldn't be any if, yes, people lived by the principles of the Kingdom.

That is about identifying the fine innate abilities each individual has to do marvelous things. If they utilized those things they'd produce and earn plenty of income to take care of their own health care needs as well as those of their family and even others who may need the help from charitable contributions.

When Caesar gets in the mix with his promises to take care of others, people are actually less incentivized to do all the things they'd do to ensure people's health needs are addressed. Really, when people expect their health care needs to be met with "Obamacare" ("Barack Obama's going to take care of me!") somebody is still paying for it, and in this case it is at the point of a gun. This does not improve the incentive for people to help out.

People don't grasp any of this because they are not only economically illiterate but they are scripturally illiterate. They just don't know the Word of God because they've been told, by deep background System operatives through the centuries, that they don't really need God and they don't need to understand the way He made things.

More and more millennials are becoming more and more benighted in their "progressive" thinking -- this is especially frightening. When I see Trump already indicating he won't put in place things that actually work, it tells me the operatives have got him by the collar to keep society destabilized. He's already said the LGBTQ+ community is safe with him -- not a surprise really. But it is true the LGBTQ+ community is one of the most destructive forces on the planet, keeping legions of people in states of sexual immorality and sex-related illness.

Edward Bernays saw it a century ago. How people get more and more seduced into thinking the things they think -- really, the things the operatives want them to think. It is the way of the World, it is. Can't do anything about it. Sure you can hypnotically rage and rail and rant and riot -- many millennials have taken to the streets with the belief Trump will destroy them. Wow, how taken in are these young people. I weep for them, I truly do. I weep as much for my own children, having to occupy a world hapless millennials will be employed to wreck, and it is horrific.

Freedom only comes through Christ, who already has His foot on the heads of any World potentate. Check out the first letter to the Ephesians, very first chapter. There is a list of all the cool things the follower of Christ gets: forgiveness, redemption, salvation, adoption, wisdom, understanding, peace, joy -- the very best things. Know what another one of them is? I just told you.

It is Jesus having his foot on the head of potentates who do foolish things. Hillary Clinton would have done phenomenally foolish things, Barack Obama has already spent two terms doing them. Donald Trump will do his truly foolish things too, but as the hand of Caesar he's supposed to. Let them.

Then go over to the Kingdom.

See it there, with the narrow door?

It's narrow because you can only get through it by believing on Christ and what He did in dying so you could live. You can only get it by giving up yourself and all the rent-slavering you want to do with Caesar, take up the cross and love others with His love, from the Kingdom, mobilizing the abundant wealth there so all in community can thrive.

My latest home page piece gets a bit into this whole dynamic.


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