The Institutionalized Smear

A new book is coming out I'm eager to enjoy. It is Sharyl Attkisson's The Smear, and the tease info tells us it is all about how authoritative operatives mold our thinking about the ways things should be out in the political and social world. The emphasis is that they get us to buy into idiotic ideas I've spent a lot of webspace showcasing, such as herehere, and here.

Apparently it isn't out in release yet, but again I'm looking forward to getting into it. Attkisson is one of those intrepid reporters who's essentially been dismissed by any and all mainstream mass media organizations because she's done a little bit more than they want her to do to expose the truth about things. Her approach doesn't quite fit in with the metanarrative Caesar's studio production execs and staff want filling our minds.

Thing is, I'm not expecting Attkisson to expose those who are molding the minds of the operatives molding our minds. It is a place very few want to go, because information about that source is too psychically disruptive. Those without Truth and Grace reigning in their hearts simply cannot handle that information.

There are dozens of standard ways people are hypnotized to respond.

"You're just a crazy conspiracy theorist."

"That's just preposterous."

"Do you really believe that?"

"I'm not even going to consider that."

"What about this [quasi-factual meme put there by the operatives]? That must mean you're wrong."

"I don't even understand what you're talking about."

"Okaaay..." or "Whateverrr..." are some of my favorites.

And even if they do grasp these truths, they generally do little about it.

Sadly, the thing Attkisson will most likely be expecting readers to do is get enraged enough to do something typically political, you know, elect better public officials, or challenge the entrenched establishment, or something like that.

Furthermore she'd probably not get into the critical truth that The Smear is supposed to be happening.

After all it was put there by God Himself. As long as there is a reprobate population, The Smear does its job of keeping people from seeing or hearing or understanding so they'd be healed. Oh, God would heal and save, definitely, but He won't do it if you want to stay immersed in it all.

If Attkisson knew the origin of the The Smear's arranged dissipation, she'd recommend the only thing that works.

Turn to Christ.

And then form worship communities from which the Kingdom is manifest.

I'll give her a chance, however. I'd love to read her elucidate the truth of the Society's roll in keeping people in states of spiritual dissolution. Maybe she can articulate it so people stop responding with the inane remarks shared above, that'd be cool.

My vision is for there to be thousands, indeed millions forming Kingdom cells from which come everything Christ was about -- healing, salvation, wholeness, mercy, forgiveness, deliverance, restoration...

Reconciliation with God.

My latest home page piece gets into more of this, yet again more. Maybe the Lord will use it to move people to be ungrafted to the System and fully explosive with the Kingdom.


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