The Truth is Not Dead - We're Just Waiting for the New York Times Version of Truth to Die

Recently Time magazine did a modern take on its famous cover from 1966, "Is God Dead?" At that time many were abandoning formal religion for the hinterlands of alternative spiritualities, what with the ability to travel to and communicate with other cultures becoming faster and easier.

"Hey! Wow! Look at this cool spiritual thing here in India! Hmm, Hinduism and all the karma and reincarnation and all that cool stuff! Or over here! Buddhism where you can just let it all go because it's all nothing anyway! Cool!"

A lot of these ideas wove their way into more liberal theological pronouncements consuming some of the more eminent seminaries, and quite a few people then headed off to Woodstock-like events rather than those stodgy old concrete churches.

Today our "post-truth" society now wonders, "Is Truth Dead?" Funny, for that statement to be meaningful, truth must be alive. While it is easy to understand the sentiment, this is why asking that question is silly. The truth is -- ahem, if you'll excuse me -- the truth is that there is only truth. No falsehood, only truth.

Yes, people can fool you, but they can only get away with it if there is a truth to twist. There does seem to be so much more "twisting" today for the same precise reason they earlier asked if God was dead, because of faster and easier communications. Who do we listen to, who do we trust? So many voices out there, all clamoring for my attention!

The New York Times has a version of the truth that it is maniacally pounding into the hearts and minds of an unwitting populace. Much of that agenda I elucidated in this home page piece, and how they do it I detailed in this piece. In fact the full thrust of my web ministry is to expound on the contrast between what the System is doing to you and what Jesus Christ has done for you.

Sadly, not many pay much attention. Doesn't matter if it's my own web work, I simply don't see much wisdom about truth out there at all, from anywhere. The reason is simple, but that reason is a certain truth most people fiercely dismiss because it hits too hard at their New York Times entrenched version of truthful things.

The truth is that all of this is driven by the Roman Catholic Church. The church visible does it by pointing out all the evils all around and then stepping up and laboring ceaselessly to show how great they are at working through it all. All of Rome's subdivisions follow its lead. Those subdivisions include the 501c3 churches who are either doing the liberal thing schlurping up rabid endorsement of sodomy and infanticide, or the conservative thing wrapping themselves in the American flag and gripping their guns as security blankets. Even churches with members who have at least some substantial savvy when it comes to respecting and living the words of Scripture are infected to some degree.

The church invisible is the militant arm of Rome, interestingly called the "Society of Jesus". Too often I hear about "society" doing this or "society" doing that. Hmm, quite true, and they do so much of it through channels most don't see, like the New York Times. The Society does everything it does to draw people into a deeper, richer relationship with Rome, and they do it by stirring up revulsion for insidiously created and deftly arranged threats whether political, financial, military, or all of them together, and then seeing if their prey rails and rips and rebels to further the legitimacy of Rome.

It is so hypnotically enticing.

It is just Scripture says if you have Jesus' lordship on your heart, then come out of that.

But it only works if you're trusting in the -- ahem -- truthful Jesus. Please, He knows how easy we can be fooled, so He's good with you telling Him about being fooled, letting Him walk with you on your journey to know truthful things, talking with Him about those things each day.

Then you'll viscerally understand that truthful thing everyone truly ultimately wants, and that is genuine love.

I was reading in the first letter of John this morning, and wow, there was the fourth chapter. Read it, go ahead, right there, read the truthful things about love.

And let Him open your eyes and ears and mind and heart to what is true.


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