The Real Inferno

I've thought about a lot of things I can write in this blog post to introduce my latest home page piece. I don't know. Here's about the best thing I can say right now.

We've got HBO for a while, just today, and I thought I'd peek in and see some things there. Tonight I tuned in to Bill Maher's show for a bit. On there was Matt Welch, Sally Kohn, and Michael Hayden. They were discussing the standard revulsion of Donald Trump, yet the things they were saying in and around it all were just the most foolish, inane, repulsively idiotic things anyone could ever behold coming through a television set. I turned it off after even a few moments because it became unbearable.

Oh I understand why they do it. I understand who's telling them the things they're saying. I understand what its purpose is. I'm given to think that God allows this to subsist because the harrowing absurdity simply has to drive people into the arms of their Savior.

Still, these people persist in wallowing in it.

My latest home page piece gets into a few of the details, gets into the things crying out for understanding about it all. It is still extraordinarily sad that these people insist on jubilantly screeching along at light speed on their slide into Hell.

Thing is, right after turning the channel from Mr. Maher's show, I picked up the film Deepwater Horizon, about the 2010 massive oil rig explosion that killed 11 people. The movie is pretty much what you'd think it would be, a bunch of rig operators oblivious to what is about to hit --

Then it hits.

It was very moving, as much as it really wasn't much more than your typical disaster film.

The thing that got me was how much of a metaphor it was for reality.

For the reality of how many people are so hypnotically taken by the Rome-propelled narrative spewed by the New York Times.

It's all the mechanical defects becoming evident, all the pressure building up for release, all the systems failures ruthlessly cascading -- all eventually reaching critical mass...

After these men were working valiantly to try to figure out what to do to either stop it, help out the fallen, or simply figure how to get off the rig as it went up in flames, one of the characters you'd have thought had already lost his life down below, entered the main control room shellshocked. He was played by John Malkovich, and I didn't catch it but from what I gather he was somewhat responsible for the dereliction that caused the tragedy.

He sloughs up to the gal who is one of the control deck personnel, and with a look of stultifying bewilderment asks, "What happened?"


That says everything.

The universe will melt on the last day and those who blab the ugliest things they think are so ennobling will realize what they've been doing, and they won't have a clue. They'll be devastated, the Bible even says they'll be so shredded by the reality of things that they'll cry out for rocks to drop on top of them.

Yeah, that's it. The Deepwater Horizon is lit flash-paper compared to that.

There is only One lifeboat.

You know Who it is.

It is the Jesus Christ you may dive onto right now, but you've got to do what Mike Williams did.

You do have to jump.

Williams, played by Mark Wahlberg in the film, knew that to survive he had to jump, what, from six, seven stories high into oil-soaked enflamed waters.

You'll need to do the same. Seriously. It's scary, but Hell is way scarier. Somebody is telling you don't worry about it, that the World Operatives have got your back -- I mean! Bill Maher et al sound so smart and so much seem to want to protect you from those bad guys!

Just before the oil rig blew, the crew was awarding what appeared to be the captain in some capacity, played by Kurt Russell, an award for safety. Nothing to worry about...

Amazing how much this is a metaphor for real life.


Oh, I guess I should add that at the end of the film, the survivors all knelt arm-in-arm on the rescue ship they'd just boarded, and right there, wounds still bleeding --

They all said the Lord's Prayer.


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