The Insanity of Embracing Abortion Explodes Yet Again

Recently there has been quite a reaction to the fetal heartbeat law Georgia passed. Liberal "pro-choice" people went crazy against it, while conservative "pro-life" people cheered for it.

Is there no one who thinks this bill is extraordinarily diabolical, simply because saying it is illegal to get an abortion after around six weeks makes it okay to get one before that?

Huh. When precisely does a baby become a human being after conception? Please, what difference does it make when the heartbeat is detected? For anyone to declare they are pleased with the Georgia bill shows they are simply hypnotized by the devil's schemes. And I have heard so many good, wholesome, thoughtful Christians say they favor this bill.

This saddens me tremendously, and always has. There are all kinds of rationalizations that go into trying to work out some public policy positioning that makes Christians feel good about their moral stature, yet much of it is either sustaining ill-arranged thinking or buying into the System's designs, or both.

I've written for years about why this happens. I specifically called out one of the best apologists for the pro-life cause, but have never heard from this gentleman and have never heard him give up his desire to work within the System. As I wrote there, working within the System is indeed fine for saving some babies lives -- of course this is the incrementalist approach that many adopt but is so pathetically inadequate.

"Cobelligerency" will not only not end abortion but it actually keeps it going.

It keeps it going because we all settle back in our moral rationalizing that it is a good thing that the state officially authorize the murder of preborn children before six weeks of gestation.

Sorry, this is just plain demonic. So what do I do, seeing a richly Catholicized populace brazenly demonstrate that they just don't get it? What do I do? I pray like crazy for apocalyptic revival, I pray for this all the time. That people would see how seduced they are by the System, all of it -- you can see what it is at my webzine, I'm happy to share it with you.

That they would come out and live richly in the Kingdom.


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