The Disintegrating Social Landscape Part II

I came across this article, in The Federalist, a pretty good one, but there are dozens of these kinds of things popping up everywhere now. This one gets deep into the numbers, the larger numbers of those dying at the hands of destructive people all around.

The author gets into all the main reasons, and yes, the systematic demolition of strong social institutions is a decent one.

What he doesn't get into is the main main reason:

The World System uses people's sinfulness to enlarge its authority and they do so at the people's request so they can remain sinful.

Does that last statement mean anything to you? Can you see the riveting and quite sobering truth in it? Or do you just do like millions of entrenched Catholicists and shrug it off as fairy tale blithering, conspiracy inanity, or just mumbo-jumbo too difficult to comprehend?

I agree, I understand, if you are not prayerfully versed in Scripture to employ the spiritual intelligence necessary to grasp what is really going on, then please, I censure no one. World inhabitants benefit tremendously from the magnificent work Cain's legacy carries out. God set forth the Roman Catholic Church, the United States government, the Federal Reserve banking system, and all their licensed, contracted, incorporated subdivision entities, all perfectly legitimate and authoritative for better managing the evildoing of people who want to keep evildoing.

If you are one of those people, then what are you complaining about? Why are you screaming at someone else who is wantonly murdering people when the only answer the World offers is more murdering in response?

I do peek around a bit at Facebook every once in a while, and while I love every one of my friends there, some of them post the most idiotic things. One such post featured something along the lines of "If you want to stop the mass killings then be willing to fight to do it!" There was another one like "F***ing do something and it isn't praying and sending thoughts and insisting politicians refrain from politicizing after these things!"

Ahem. Then what is that thing? What precisely are you going to fight to do when, um, I kind of got the idea that you want to end the fighting?

They don't say. Yes they'll screech about all kinds of gun control and other fine-sounding humanist things, but they only amount to splendid virtue-signaling that keeps the Legacy churning out more and more imaginative ways to murder in the name of not murdering.

The only only only answer is Jesus Christ, and it isn't the fake Jesus most churches shove in your face to bleat their virtue-signaling. Please, you really don't have to trust what I say about Him, you can find out for yourself. But the simplest truth of all is this.

"Whoever has the Son has life, whoever does not have the Son does not have life."

Thuh end. There ya go. It can't get simpler than that. That's from John's first letter, by the way, fifth chapter.

In fact do you remember what Jesus said when people did something very similar to what everyone seems to be doing right now? Screeching and hollering and wailing about those deaths at the hands of crazed gunmen? People right there with Jesus, way back then even, said, essentially, "Hey Jesus, what about those people who had that building fall on them, killing them? What's with that? And what about those sacrificially murdered for the governor's pleasure. WHAT ABOUT THAT?"

Yeah, ouch. That is a tough one. What'd Jesus say about it? Now I took some liberties with the text, but again, please, you don't have to take my word for it. Look at the passage yourself, it is  at the beginning of the 13th chapter of Luke. Go ahead and see what Jesus said, right there.

Here's the essence of that, though. He told them, "Hey, everyone is guilty of sin that leads to death. No one is any more guilty than anyone else. That means you too. So make sure you turn from your own sinfulness, or it will be just as bad for you." In another context He said, "Don't fear those who may destroy the body, but fear the One who can destroy both your body and your soul."

That's the riveting and sobering reality that so, so many just can't see in all their plaintive moanings about lack of family and community and mentoring and parenting and all the rest of it. Please, family and community and mentoring and parenting are all good, but -- whupp, Jesus again -- He said if you so tightly grip all those things no matter how good and wholesome they are and your heart doesn't belong to Him, then you're no better. What is amazing is that He also said if you give them up and put 100% of your trust in Him, in return you'd get a hundred times those things. And not just in heaven some time, but right now.

Wow. That's in the tenth chapter of Mark, by the way.


Seek and find.

These web pieces are fine and quite informative, but I'm still looking for the ones that share those fundamental biblical truths, not about some ethereal theological confusion...

...but about life itself.

Or even better, about The One Who Is Life And Pours Life Out To Those Who Want It.


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