Another Sobering Truth Rule Most Gladly Dismiss

Abigail Shrier has sort-of established herself as the go-to voice of reason in the discourse on whether or not in the name of courage and freedom and individuality and just plain wretched foolishness someone should mutilate their body and become some other type of biological being. The most typical one is a man or woman "transitioning" into a person of the opposite sex.

From what I have seen and read of hers, I think her take is a bit limited -- it seems she's only interested in making the case against children doing it -- you know, adults are autonomous beings and never mind that there are all kinds of nefarious things adults can do too that are regularly and robustly censured by everyone all around. I do believe, however, Shrier is firmly against adult "transitioning" also, so I won't criticize her for something of which I am not certain. She may just want to be focusing on making sure our children are not criminally violated in these ways, so she's good to go with that effort for sure.

Anyway she recently put up a piece on her Substack with her standard points and so forth, and towards the end of the piece she makes an interesting note, one which has indeed been made in a number of different arenas over the past few years. That note is a response, really, to a question many of us have.

How on earth can these LGBTQ+ people be getting away with such brazen and widespread immorality?

After all, they are in the minority -- really, statistically speaking anyone who claims to be some manifestation of extremely novel sexual identification amounts to far less than the ten percent the LGBTQ+ people say it is. Even at ten percent, that's a really small minority. Even at the numbers the LGBTQ+ people say it is, you know, way more than ten percent because, you know, there are after all so many other folks inhibited from cheerfully pronouncing and expressing their real wildly splendid exosexual inner workings.

Still a miniscule minority.

Here's the truth rule she elucidates, taken from Nicholas Taleb's reference to the dictatorship of a small minority. It isn't just that they're a small minority that makes the difference -- lots of small minorities are interminably marginalized, just about every one of them. The truth is it is who is in that minority as well as how much that minority is benefitting from the spectacular propaganda put out by powerful people favoring its cause.

And the LGBTQ+ cause is something you absolutely cannot refuse to embrace because if you do, you are the worst bigoted Neanderthal -- it will say so all over the New York Times.

Shrier lists five institutions involved in the propaganda. I will set them apart here, but with her exact words.

Every Fortune 500 corporation.
The Academy.
The current Administration.
All of Big Tech.

That's a powerful oligarchy, right there. There're a lot of powerful people and organizations there who've not only succumbed to the totalitarianism but who have the means to spout about how great they truly believe it is.

The screenshot is clipped from a graphic titled "The American Empire and Its Media." They've got it that the Council on Foreign Relations and these other powerful Bad Guy groups are really in charge. Everyone has their favorite Bad Guy. I know the images of those individuals are too hard to see, that's okay. I'm not posting it for anyone to pick them out or anything... unless it is to pray for them, please do that. And there are far more people than those shown here, far more powerful than even these -- but immensely fewer than the hundreds of millions they rule. The graphic is just to show that there are a lot of them occupying the offices of the now-quite entrenched oligarchy, and even if any given megaphone-holders move on, some other committed oligarchs will replace them doing exactly the same things.

All of this is still missing the most important one, very few see it. Some do, but most don't because its very nice offices are right around the corner from where most of us live, right there in the middle of our very nice neighborhoods. In those offices reside very kind gracious people -- people who are there to offer a very kind word when we need it, that's a very good thing.

And the people in those five -- particularly the leaderships in each one -- are fully captivated by the people who work in those offices. Well, the people in those offices are commanded by similar smiley-faced super-nice individuals who know well their duties to ruthlessly govern the affairs of any and all who do not dwell in the Kingdom of Christ.

If you want to know a bit more about those offices, take a look at the original definition of the word propaganda. Please, look it up. You'll have to dig a bit deeper, but you won't have to go too far. You might have to click to its history, that's fine -- I just looked at Merriam-Webster's online entry, it's right there.

Then I simply urge you so get right to Scripture, and pray. Meet with others who authentically have Christ in their hearts. Talk about Him, with Him. Otherwise the propaganda from the Big Five there emanating from the Big One will overwhelm you. You will likely either join up with it because it is so seductive and you simply must loudly virtue-signal to gain any meaning in life, or you will rail and rage and rebel against it because it is so wickedly evil.

Well, it is that, but remember, the totalitarian nature of the World System is something you cannot stop. Go ahead and remonstrate proudly and vote persistently and vocalize perpetually and crusade ponderously -- doesn't matter because it is all the most combustible jet fuel for the Gesu's rocket engines.

It is what it is. It is there because in some profound ways God allows it as a vibrant judgment instrument. Been that way for millennia, sorry. Please, don't despair. Keep looking and understanding. Keep praying like crazy. Keep ministering with Christ's love and wisdom to those who could themselves be free from the conflagration.

Hey, I'm doing that by blogging about it here. My only purpose is to share some thoughts about the Savior Who Is Forgiveness And Mercy And Joy And Freedom.

It is also to just let you know that I put up at my webzine my latest home page piece. Got it up a little early this time, for Spring 2022, but it is there. This weekend I'd been tweaking it and fine-tuning it, but it is in decent shape for now.

Thank you for your readership.

Christ's blessings be upon you no matter what.



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