Regularly Scheduled Tuesday Grieving Sessions - We Got Another Really Good One Yesterday

There is a scene in the film All the President's Men when Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, working hard to find the good dirt on President Richard Nixon, are making their way to the house of one of Nixon's administrative operatives to try to get him to talk. As they stroll along the front of these spiffy-looking Brownstone-like homes, one of them remarks about the people inside, just living their lives, doing their thing, mostly oblivious to what is really going on outside of their cognitive domain.

I think about this very brief, seemingly incidental scene quite often. I do so when looking into the eyes of so many people I encounter. I look and I just see so much ugliness and darkness in there, there in their souls. It doesn't matter how smiley they are or how well their hair is coiffed or how nicely dressed they are. They are ultimately all about wreaking havoc on the rest of the world in whatever way their psyche has been trained to do so.

Please don't get me wrong. I can't be judgmental. I am not God's law, and I am the same. There has been so much ugliness and darkness inside of me yet I so much know how much I need a Lord and a Savior with enough strength of mercy and enough capacity to love me as much as He does. And He does so with His very life.

There is nothing else about his writing ministry effort except to hope that a reader sees that for him or herself. Nothing. The way I go about it is to try to illuminate a bit the horrific things of the World so maybe they'll see Christ as the only deliverance from all of that, as well as from the ugliness and darkness that resides deep in every individual's soul.

It is all about The Son. It is all about seeking Him, talking with Him, listening to Him, doing the things He talked about, loving with His love, adopting every lifestyle thread that He was about. It doesn't take much to take that step, either -- even though the Catholicist church makes it seem like it is so daunting so you might as well not, always with the aid of any one of their fake Jesuses to keep you from following the actual One. All that's required is going to Him as He truly is, just authentically telling Him you want Him and His deliverance and embrace and righteousness and that place in His Kingdom as -- in a very real sense -- sanctuary from the wicked dissipation that is everywhere all around.

He'll do the rest.

There are fewer things that make the gruesome horror of the World shine so brightly as what happened in Kansas yesterday. Kansas is very dear to me -- I was born there and I lived for the first couple years of my life in Topeka. Much of my family still lives there. It is truly a much more beautiful state than those who sneer about how geographically flat it is (which it isn't).

Yesterday Kansans voted almost two-to-one to refuse to protect children in the womb from being murdered by their parents and an enabling System hegemony. The abject ugliness and darkness of so many people's souls came through in brilliant colors, and I'm not necessarily speaking about the voters, many of whom were fooled by the way the ballot was arranged and mostly by a multi-million-dollar smear campaign to get those voters to believe they were going to vote to do violently bad things to women.

Huh. I wonder if any of them took the time to really know what was going on with all this, and whether or not they grasp the magnitude of truth that the half of all the babies aborted are indeed females themselves who I truly believe would like to live and grow safely in their mother's womb? What about their rights being protected? I wonder.

The whole thing made me think about -- wow, how appropriately it was named -- "Bleeding Kansas" in the 1850s. Not a few have recognized the similarity to the time when slavery was on the ballot. "Let's just vote. Let's just have democracy." Yeah. It didn't go so well. Thousands of people poured into Kansas from both sides, and there weren't just peaceful demonstrations and debates. There were murders and massacres everywhere.

The spiritual and emotional violence that gushed all over everything just before the vote there in Kansas this year was felt by everyone.

It was felt by me. I turned on the television yesterday afternoon and happened to have it on MSNBC, and there was their news studio that I'm sure broadcasts directly from Hell. I can't think of many more utterly wretchedly evil things than what I saw for those two minutes I endured it, predictably nonplussed.

The anchor was interviewing a woman representing something called "Birth Justice." Guh? I'd never seen this before. The two were beaming about the Kansas election results coming in, and speaking in those standard "This is about women's reproductive health" tones, yet I was still wondering about this organization. What was that about?

And then I got it, I think I figured it out. I may be wrong about this -- I'm happy to get this right -- but from the very little I picked up this woman was saying, this organization uses racialism to rationalize its pro-infanticide position. The thinking: Since poor minority women can't kill their babies with the same ease that richer white people can, we need to make this more equitable and get those abortion-minded women to have available the infanticide services they want in the name of tolerance and equity and diversity and inclusivity and, of course, birth justice. Oh my.

I will add here that I did look up their website, and I do want to give them credit for appearing to provide services to mothers with babies. To be fair, that is indeed a very good thing. It also has a link to promote the tremendous value of fatherhood, also an extraordinarily good thing. But it still has those racialist tropes plastered everywhere, and from what was shared in that MSNBC piece it seems as though there is a profound element of "choice" (the option of "ending the pregnancy altogether") in all of that.

I don't think many of them realize how much the governing precepts of the Frankfurt School have now so malignantly metastasized in the Americanist psyche, particularly those of Herbert Marcuse. He's the one we may credit with popularizing the notion that if you are officially classified as a victim of the white imperialist heteropatriarchy, you are free to do whatever you want sexually because your sexual activity is really a political statement. That stodgy moralistic hegemony dictating what you can do with your genitals?! Well do whatever you want so you can stick it to them! Then you can be free!

I've in the past tried to argue that this is a key component to the abortion debate that even the best pro-lifers will not touch with a 57-foot pole, simply that it all starts with the sexual immorality. I once shared this with one of the top pro-life apologists in the country and he dismissed it. He even said, "What about abortion-minded married people?" as if it's perfectly fine for them to have sexual relations just because they are married yet will still kill their unborn child. Yes there is so much to this conversation -- about birth control, married people wanting their children, and so forth -- but that this obvious truth is so readily dismissed this way by just about everyone? 

Ahh, such a Catholicized nation.

It is heartbreaking to look out on the horizon of people out there -- we see them on the television but there are exponentially more just being the humanist materialist atheist murderers that they are -- and that there are so many of them. 

I've always read the book of the Revelation at the end of the Bible and deeply pondered the breadth of the wrath of God poured out on us for the things we've done from that vicious wickedness that grips our souls. I weep for the children that will be murdered in the very warm comfortable womb that nourishes them for nine months, but I also weep for the parents of those children -- what is in their souls to get them to behave the way they do? Just as much I weep for all those influencers like the ones I saw on MSNBC who spout proudly about the virtues of infanticide on the grandest scale... Wow.

The Kansas thing tells us that ultimately only people living by the Kingdom and heeding Christ's words will any of this mean anything. Yes it would be nice if this Kansas thing would actually get people to realize that the only thing that will mean anything for those preborn babies is if the United States Constitution had an amendment added that said, simply, "No state shall deny preborn babies as full human beings their right to life and the equal protection of the law."

As it is -- as it was throughout all the deceptive propaganda vomited out upon the voters of Kansas the past couple of weeks -- it is framed as some kind of right that women have that will be taken away. As long as this is prominent in people's minds, nothing will really change. Who cares what Roe's repeal meant?

In real reality it is this: Only by Christ can one truly see the value of human life to the extent that men and women (acknowledging themselves they are indeed men and women) behave towards one another in ways that are not sexually abusive (anything happening outside the bounds of marriage is indeed sexually abusive) and that preborn children will be loved enough to escape the lethality of a System that has already expressed it is all about culling the population anyway (see the expressly declared principles of "The Great Reset.") Thing is, this is what Cain's Legacy does. It will do all kinds of things to try to get people to be assured that yet-another imaginative System solution will do the trick. Often the attempts to consummate the solutions come on Tuesdays, with voters having their say. Democracy you know.

But then you get what happened in Kansas. Maybe that's a good thing, actually. Maybe what happened will get people to see the World System as it is. Maybe they'll even see Rome's hand in making it all that way to begin with and, as the Lord said in that book of Revelation, right there in the 18th chapter, "Come out of her," really, before some really bad shit goes down. Maybe they'll realize the magnitude of what Jesus means when he speaks about God having the final say about what happens to one's soul, there in the tenth chapter of Matthew.

Maybe they'll truly want Him to grip their soul, because right now the World has an extraordinarily mighty grip on it.

Maybe. I just pray, I pray for all of them, a lot.


The image is a stock photo of Brownstones in Washington DC, much like those shown in that scene from All the President's Men.


You who practice deceit,
    your tongue plots destruction;
    it is like a sharpened razor.
You love evil rather than good,
    falsehood rather than speaking the truth.
You love every harmful word,
    you deceitful tongue!

(From the 52nd Psalm)


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