That Financial Human Sacrifice is Indeed One of the Worst
Just wanted to post a brief follow-up to my last post , in which I elucidated the reasons why the manipulation of the society's value assessment tool, in the US it has traditionally been the dollar -- as it has around the world for some time as the global reserve currency -- is one of the most destructive things happening right now. I mean right at the top of the list of really devastating things out there. I thought, huh, aren't there a lot of other inane things out there that're killing us way more? The Ukraine war racketeering pushing us to WWIII? The climate change hysteria the policy demands of which will lead to millions of deaths worldwide from completely unnecessary energy resource depletion? The Covid lockdown idiocy that still ravages huge segments of what should be the most advanced intelligent parts of society? Yeah, those and several more are really, really bad. But that monetary unit exploitation in the name of really spiffy virtue-signaling among the extraord...