What It Is

There are so many things happening that are destroying the soul of this country, things that have been destroying the souls of many nations for some time. In fact I'd say those things have always been destroying their souls from time immemorial, it's just people don't notice because they've been taught so well to be too stupid about it all.

What is it?

What's really happening?

I have so many notes to blog about so many things, many of them coming from the same old stories and the same old pointless solutions to these phenomenally harrowing things. Oh the litany of "WE NEED TO DO THIS," "WE NEED TO DO THAT." Tiresome.

Here's a piece to start. I was directed to it just now by fine apologist Sean McDowell in my Twitter feed, and I've only read a small portion of the interview, but you could make a fine case for a huge part of the problem is that insidiously powerful voice that has been given free reign to spew the stupidest things out there has convinced men they don't have to hang around and be family leaders, and indeed convinced women that this situation is really no big deal.

Then there is this piece I pulled up a few days ago. There are a dozen other items I've got lined up about which to post some thoughts, but this one is a bit unique. The title caught my eye because I got the idea the author was going to get into borders being meaningless. I know that's happening the more the world becomes catholicized, that is, it adopts some globalist perspective with which we all must abide at the forceful behest of The Great Reset mandarins and the like.

Thing is this effort has been underway for millennia, propelled quite industriously by the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy divinely assigned the job. Any time you see the word globalist, remember that is exactly the same as Roman Catholic. The more successful its deep state ops are at getting populations to buy into what is considered pretty leftist dogma, the more globalist things get.

That dogma? Simply things like you giving up good portions of your value and merit to pay the living expenses of others more oppressed than you. You celebrating the unconventional sexual proclivities of those unjustly sexually repressed. You acknowledging your role in the enslavement being the older white male racist you are. You making sure a woman's health is protected by allowing her to murder her own child. You never traveling anywhere or working to make reasonable energy products because you will murder the earth in just a few years.

So if everyone is forced into compliance with these demands and others like them, then what good are borders? They are meaningless and we will be enjoying a perfect Roman Catholic-enforced utopia, for it is from Rome that these agenda items are advanced.

And if good people don't like them?

Then Rome is good to go with fighting against them, you know, so they can show what heroic figures their people are at rescuing you from them.

It is the Jesuitic way, using the most profound Arts of War to get their way and elicit more faithful fealty to Rome. It is their job.

And that leads back to the piece I referenced, notable because the author is not saying borders are meaningless, he is saying they are obsolete. The difference is that he feels, as I'm sure many others have felt including me, that the state lines were once drawn quite a bit arbitrarily in many cases particularly those in the west. Because of the striking ideological differences metastasizing in the United States right now, it is time to rethink those state line boundaries and make them so territories better reflect the ideological perspectives of their populations.

Why have I had my own positive inclination to a realignment proposition? It is because I too confess I want to live in a territory with like-minded people who will principally and convincingly not murder their children in the womb and not expect government to forcefully take money from hard-working people and hand it to others merely because they have a different more officially authorized skin color or something having nothing to do with honest weights and measure value assessment.

The problem is that this whole realignment thing is merely another way for the World System to do its ruthless law enforcement thing. And I can't see how such as program would not result in some really good bellicosity in the mix.

It has always happened that way.

Always. Always always always. 

Today isn't any different.

Every country in the world was formed because people wanted to live differently from people in another country. The original 13 colonies were formed based on very profound religious distinctions.  The more you try to get people to get along just fine when they have such differences just invites warfare. I'm not saying I agree with this thing or that thing at this point, I'm just saying what the reality of life, and death, truly is.

It is my firm consideration that the only deliverance is The Kingdom, and for Christ to reach out and grab you as you freefall into Hell. I've tried to share this reality in every single web piece and blog post I've ever put into cyberspace. Sometimes I've felt, quite viscerally I might add, that I've been too much on the side of my Roman Catholic friends in censuring the leftist positions (as I cited earlier even in this very blog post) while at the same time elucidating the evils that Rome perpetuates in order to look good fighting back against those things.

I only do any of that, however, exclusively for one single purpose.

To introduce my reader to Jesus Christ, the only One who can be anyone's rescue from the ugliness of all this. That's it. That's what it is.

All the leftist wretchedness is arranged specifically by the best Romanist militant ops to provoke the standard-issue evildoing that all men do. It then gives the more visible potentates the opportunity to come to the rescue and keep everyone feeding and fueling Cain's administrative hegemony. In a way the ecumenical movement has already succeeded because all nations are just doing everything Rome wants them to do anyway.

The Mises author can call for new borders all he wants, some may even succeed in the most profound secession movements there could ever be, but it won't matter as long as the World's populace is still devoted to Rome, whether by dutifully doing its bidding or giving it a nice oblivious pass or even rising up in the most ferocious rebellion against it.

Among all the things happening look at what is happening in Brazil right now. The image I've posted with this piece is an amazing one with some of the thousands of protesters overrunning their capitol building, people who know their recent presidential election was rigged and that the leftists are now slamming their country hard. The whole objective of riling up the revolution is only so Rome ultimately does something in response so it'll look really good in its interminable crusade against all bad things.

This has been the way it has always been. Do I have to write "Always always always" again for more emphasis? If you aren't reading your history, paying attention to current events, looking carefully at what the deep state is doing -- it isn't as hidden as you think -- and you aren't deeply immersed in Scripture... then 57,000 alwayses have no impact.

No, borders don't matter. Each of us is holed up in our own house with its four walls to protect us from the evil all around anyway. The beginning of the 59th Psalm has these words, "Oh God be my fortress against those who are attacking me. Deliver me from evildoers..." Writing that right now, it seems so familiar, like I've blogged on this idea before.

The only deliverance is Christ. Leaving this body of death -- the projected wickedness, the communal dissipation, the ruthless prosecution, the expansive rebellion, the lethally bellicose conflagration...

Leave it be.

Go to Christ, nothing else.

Go a trillion light years away from any of that, find the Real Christ just like Paul did when he was blinded by Christ and had to stay with a friend for some time to soak up The Living Word and then truly see...

Then, like Paul, go back in there and minister to those caught up in the World maelstrom. God doesn't want your desire to be hemmed in by drawn-up political boundaries to keep His love from penetrating the lives and souls of those who need to hear about it.

There is a World System with its "influencers" keeping people in that woefully benighted state, and it has always been doing that now more imaginatively than ever before -- and then there is the Kingdom where His peace and healing and salvation and joy are, and there are those are His hands and feet to share it to those who'd actually genuinely like to have it.

That's it.

That's what it is.


The image is just one of many screenshots of a prominently published pic of the Brazil protest movement. This one is from Bloomberg.



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