What It Is About Modern-Day Human Sacrifice, the De-Fi Edition

I simply had to put up a brief post with a link to this article. It is over at Quillette, and they generally have quite solid pieces there from writers who are courageous enough to articulately tell truthful things. Some of those pieces actually do get into the rank horrors of the sodomist cult, particularly regarding the craze of mutilating one's own body to show off how much he or she believes he or she is the opposite sex.

I do believe all the sodomist insanity marauding through society is the most instrumental thing that will destroy our present civilization, not necessarily because of the sodomist stuff itself, although it is extraordinarily rotten, but that it represents such a profound rejection of biblical standards for relationships, starting with male-female distinctions, interactions, and the very significant innate roles each sex must play for a society to function in a healthy way -- all the way to what happens with the children and their emotional and spiritual formation as the bountiful fruit of those relationships, or as the subjected dross of the woeful dysfunction resulting from the bastardization of those standards.

This Quillette piece, however, gets into what I consider a close second to that, and that is how we measure our value in the economic world. That too has been shredded by those whose worship of mammon has reached such a hysterical degree that they must assemble anything that is now considered under the one-word banner: crypto

All this thing crypto is is computer numbers promoted as value assignments one may use just like he or she uses a dollar. The moment that mysterious Japanese dude invented bitcoin, it was off to the races. Now anyone could commandeer some kind of database, blap some excuse for encrypted security such as blockchain, and concoct a crypto currency. I'd heard right now there are around 20,000 cryptocurrencies out there, with a market cap of about $800 billion.

You - have - got - to - be - effing - kidding - me.

Think about that, please. Think about how many people have put what they are presuming is some amount of value represented by dollars into computer numbers, really at the behest of people claiming that their crypto is as, shall I say it, as good as gold.


And I mean "ouch" for all the people who are losing gobs of their dollar-denominated value by trusting these clowns, because over and over and over again these crypto hustlers are losing their shirts, as well as all those who've put anything into them. Read the piece. It is phenomenally detailed account of what shit crypto is, including just as much bitcoin (lower case because it has no business being honored with a cap). The bitcoin hustlers are just as much scam artists as anyone else.

"Oh but what about the dollar! It is being horrifically mismanaged by evil central bankers! We need an alternative to that fraud and deceit!"

I get it. I agree. The Fed is an evil institution, just as much as the US Congress and any other government institution that pressures the Fed to do the things it does to wreck the dollar value of our productive capacity. Very true! In fact the "De-Fi" reference is short for decentralized finance, the supposed liberation from central bank exploitation.

Thing is, with crypto all you are doing is shifting the institutionalized theft from one group of people (the Fed officers, their US government overlords, and the enabling commercial and financial interest racketeers) over to another group of people (the wildcat crypto inventers, exchanges, and scam-artist "investors" and "miners" who are just riding the tidal wave movement of it all to try to make an easy buck). No matter who is doing it, it is value extraction, the financial form of modern-day human sacrifice.

Then there are the gold bugs who think they are all that. "Whoa now. Let's juuust get back to a gold standard -- that'll solve all of this."

No it won't. Their folly has been exposed in a recent revisit of an idea that is so contemptibly ridiculous it is no surprise some hifalutin guys in fancy suits blapping in some comfy office high up in some New York skyscraper were bantering about it: Simply have the US government mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it with the Fed, then draw on that so they can spend as they want! Presto!

Among all kinds of things wrong with this, it does expose the problem gold bugs have. You can't just take a nicely-molded shiny yellow rock or a round platinum sliver with really spiffy engravings on it and say it is this value or that value. Gold, silver, platinum, bunny livers, you just can't do it. It is the same exact problem the crypto bugs have. "Look at this thing here, we call it a quatloo, yeah, that's it! It's worth $__ much, really it is!"

"Whull the market should decide!" Precisely more of the problem -- sorry but the market is not the solution because any measure of value used as mediums of exchange should be just that, measures of value for honest economic exchanges. They must be like rulers and tape measures, and you can only build the bridge if the instrument has some kind of objective standard on it that can be trusted by all. No one ever says "Hey, those people think a foot is 15 inches, and these other people think it is 8 inches, so this market here has determined a foot is 11 1/2 inches. Cool!"

And because powerful people out there simply insist on being evil and worshipping mammon -- so many of them across the board whether they are bankers or gold bugs or crypto bugs or legislators or anyone who has their hands in manipulating the measure of anything that absolutely cannot be manipulated for genuine honest weights and measure to be had by those entering into beneficial economic exchanges -- because there are just so damn many of them out there right now doing what they are doing especially when much of it is digitized now...

You're going to get a wretchedly unrighteous mess.

In fact I saw a stat that said 97% of all economic interactions take place digitally now anyway. Wow, is that true? Meaning we simply don't use green rectangular pieces of paper or small metal bits to buy and sell and save and invest and lend and give. It is all digital now, we do it all through cyberspace with data point storage and transfers, so what's the point of anything crypto, anyway? All of it is still denominated in dollars anyway, so, really, WTF?

What is the answer?

It isn't hard. Look at the first verse of the eleventh chapter of Proverbs. God hates dishonest weights and measures. He likes honest weights and measures. That means one thing. It doesn't matter what you use, and right now we're all just used to the dollar no matter how much our government is really jerking it around, we still use it -- but it doesn't matter what it is, the only thing that counts is what one pundit called money: "trust inscribed."

If people engaging with one another in their economic exchanges do less and less of honest weights and measures and confidence erodes that the monetary standard has some measure of stability, then we're toast. Ultimately that will just demonstrate what assholes we are all being, and to be honest, God allows that because without it we wouldn't see the evil that we do and then just maybe turn around and do something about it.

God has also given us an out, but the road is narrow getting there. It is Christ and His saving work to free us from our own evildoing. It does require repentance and genuinely going to Him with a full commitment to follow the things He's said. Oh how many simply won't do that -- why the road is narrow.

But He still stands there with His extended nail-scarred hands and a smile on His face very much wanting you to accept His invitation.

That's it. He's it. He is the only "honest weights and measures." He is the only treasure you can have and store in heaven that has any real ultimate value. And until your last day when you draw your last breath, you can have economic exchanges here with people that are full of the love and respect and honor you have for one another -- that's what dwelling in the Kingdom is about, whatever way we temporally measure each one of our contributions.


The image is of a crypto "mining" operation, photo is from Andrey Rudakov at Getty, through Bloomberg, found at the IEEE Spectrum website.



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