What It Is, Human Sacrifice Edition

Earlier this week an NHL player refused to go out for warm-ups before a game because it was "Pride Night" at the arena and the team wanted him to wear some rainbow kind-of thing with the rest of the team. Of course the expected showcased ferocious remonstrations followed. He was dragged out before microphones and cameras and firmly asked to 'splain himself -- same song-&-dance. As usual with these kinds of things he responded with the typical blather: "My religion prevents it," whereupon everyone could be assured that that religion is indeed a backwoods bigoted intolerant racist sexist homophobic craptastic Neanderthal religion that is perfectly fine for a lout like this player to have but not us smart thoughtful tolerant enlightened progressive people.

Several things to consider here. First, if indeed sodomist behavior cannot be helped and is pretty-much the same as having a particular skin color, a trait that is characteristic of irrevocably being the kind of human that you are, then this dude should be arrested and prosecuted for civil rights violations. Really, please, so few people are really doing the thinking here: If anyone says anything against any what-may-be-considered unconventional sexual behavior -- homosexual activity, transitioning practices, or anything one wants to do with their genitals -- have a hallucinogenic orgy with ten people, five toasters, two pangolins, and a lamppost for that matter -- that's just who they are dammit -- then why is anyone letting this guy off the hook? He's a criminal so let's get to it, right now.

Otherwise, if it is not that, religion or not, then really, where were all the other players? Why weren't  they refusing to go out for warm-ups? In fact, really, why was anyone going to or participating in any event that was openly celebrating sexual immoral behavior? And please, it is one or the other, either sodomist behavior is perfectly fine and anyone who objects is just a tyrannical liberty-interfering rights-violater who should be punished to the full extent of the law, or it is something that should be subject to some kind of justified opprobrium. There is no in-between.

The reason so many more should be vigorously objecting to any of this is because the sodomist cause is not about something that someone does that cannot be helped, it is indeed about advocating for sinful, immoral, unrighteous, even criminal behavior. When anyone does something with their genitals that is not within the bounds of a committed relationship between an adult man and adult woman, it is a wholly unrighteous and immoral act. Objectively, naturally, transcendently, logically, teleologically -- for every person in every place at every time.

It is interesting that when someone screeches about that position, even by saying something like, "Well that's just what you think!" or "That's just your belief!" they are appealing to something they feel is objective and natural and transcendent and logical and teleological -- something outside the purview of one's own subjective considerations. "You subjectively believe sodomism is bad, and you must objectively abide by my censure of your position."

So then, let's face it, that NHL player was only shoved out into the public eye so the sodomist mandarin class could continue to pound down the mandated ideology about how great sodomist behavior is and how evil you are if you don't comply. Let's be honest, who would've even noticed if this player was not out there for warm-ups? I'm certain it would've been zero, no one would've cared. Yet they deliberately made a big deal about it.

Now there've been instances when athletes are forced to wear or do something objectionable throughout their participation in a game, and if they didn't then they would be forced to sit. I blogged about this phenomenon related to the massive NASCAR struggle session trying to appease that kind of witch-hunting effort a while back. I think I remember this pressure fomenting among some women's soccer players a few months ago. But sure enough, those players generally blapped the same thing. "It's just against my religion, but I respect what others do..." blah blah blah.

Really?! You respect people who exploit and abuse others by committing sexual assault crimes against one another with what they do with their genitals? You respect when people commit crimes against themselves by mutilating their bodies to pretend to be someone of the opposite sex? I think there are actually far fewer people out there who are really that okay with people doing anything related to what has become an even sillier acronym LGBTQ with other added letters and plusses and who-really-knows-what-it-is-at-the-moment. The fact they can't even get that the way they think they want it shows how foolish and even intolerant the whole enterprise is.

I do get why so many people still ride the wave. It is not hard to understand.

People just don't want to get hurt by the massively intolerant sodomist-enabling mandarin class.

What if this NHL player or anyone in that position openly and courageously shared all of this beyond the piddly "It's just my religion." What if he'd said into the microphone, "It is wholly and fully wrong for anyone to do anything with their genitals outside of a marriage-type arrangement. Doesn't matter if it is anyone who does it, God is no respecter of persons. This includes any unrighteous sexual activity between a man with a woman, just as much that between a man with a man or a man with another man dressed as a woman or any of that. I'm happy to play for my team and help them win hockey games, but I cannot in any way be a part of endorsing sexual immorality. I'd like to add that there is deliverance from that situation, and that is -- He is -- Jesus Christ, who frees anyone from the clutches of their own sin."

What if he said that gently, graciously, kindly -- but truthfully and articulately? Really, those exact words right there? What would happen? I genuinely wonder? Would he be permanently banned from anything professional athletic, or any job of any kind after saying that? I can't say he wouldn't. I can't say anyone wouldn't, which is why most of us knowing this sodomist stuff is evil as all-get-out just do the "See no evil hear no evil speak no evil" thing or even spit up the ingratiating lip service about it all as we walk right into the rainbow smothered arena paying our hard-earned dollars so these people may still loudly propagandize in favor of the sexual immorality.

We don't want to be punished so we don't say anything.

This morning in my devotional time I read both the sixth chapter of the letter to the Galatians and the fourth chapter of the letter to the Ephesians. Both these passages are very clear: Speak truth with kindness to others. Sometimes the truth is hard. But the truth and grace save souls, and really the Truth and Grace is in the person of Jesus Christ.

You cannot miss this message in those passages.

Related to this whole thing is what I caught online during the whole Martin Luther King Jr. stuff going on earlier in the week, on that Monday holiday celebration of the man. The article touched on much of what many already consider about King's less-than-chaste lifestyle. The idea is that the FBI didn't like him very much so they wiretapped him and surveilled him and all the rest of it. Turns out he was involved in a number of horrific sexual assault episodes, and this evidence was produced and shared by respected and reputable journalists, a number of them. That is, the FBI may have been very very bad in doing what they did to King, but the truth is still there.

What is notable is that when I peeked at the comments to the Twitter posting of the article's link, a number of people, in my estimation good solid Tweeters, put down fiercely dismissive things like, "You really want to go there?" "That is really a low blow." "What are you attempting to accomplish with this?" The article really only cited what those other journalists wrote and what they found in their authentically above-board research.

Please know I don't really think one thing or another about King. I'm not for him, I'm not against him -- although saying that would surely get some rabidly "anti-racists" to want me prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for not vociferously supporting the official mythology. This seems like something that frequently happened to even the mildest detractors in rigidly communist countries, but, well, yes, it is starting to happen here too.

It is just I don't know enough about King. I'd never gotten to know him or his family except what is put in the history books. What is there may all be very true and he certainly was an inspirational leader and all of that, that's fine -- many people have been uplifted and owe their rich livelihoods to his publicly broadcast example, that's all terrific! But what if those other things are also true? The article mentions more classified information about him will be released in 2027, I don't know, maybe, maybe not. If that is true, that there is some later release date, I wonder, why is there classified information about him to begin with? What are they hiding? And even if there is a legislatively authorized release date, that doesn't mean it will be honored. I actually doubt it would be released at all if indeed that information would reveal these things that have been written about King. I don't even think the mass media industry will even make a big deal about any of it one way or the other when the mythology has been shaped so proficiently.

That's the key point in all of this.

It is the mythology that has been formed over the years about this thing sexuality and the behavior that accompanies it. It is arranged to try to manage that behavior for a reprobate population in the service of Cain's Legacy who uses human sacrifice practices to do that job. The World System tells people what they can and cannot do and often that is wildly out-of-whack, and in every case it favors certain individuals to propel the proper narrative, from the NHL player all the way to the MLK Jr. race-hustling mythmakers.

The Kingdom is different. Over it rules The One Person who died a horrific death on a gruesome instrument of Roman justice only for the benefit of us sinners, whether that sin is sexually oriented or not. He started the idea of self-sacrifice, giving of oneself in the service of others by His love and grace and strength and mercy -- essentially being living sacrifices.

The World? That's other-sacrifice. I can't conclude this post without merely directing you to another piece by Jeffrey Tucker, who regularly says the most insightfully telling things but still never gets to the Kingdom solution. Very sad. Every time I read him he says incredibly prescient things, then goes off on the whole "I'm still just mystified" blap. But hey, here he actually gets a bit into modern-day human sacrifice! Yes indeed the whole Covid lockdown operation was a massive human sacrifice effort, completely legitimate and authoritatively executed by Cain's administrative agents. Tucker screeches against that and bellows what they all do when writing about it, "RESIST!" "REBEL!" "REVOLT!" "REPAPPADAP!" or whatever "RE-" word can engender the requisite righteous indignation.

Oh my. Ho-hum, same-old same-old, been-there done-that.

Thing is all that stuff legitimizing sexual immorality being shoved into the mainstream is just more human sacrifice. One of the most efficient ways to reduce the human population as the System's eugenics-oriented "population control" efforts demand is to employ whatever imaginative ways to move people to commit suicide. The numbers of suicides among people driven to be sexually confused is astronomical, and part of the program is convincing people that those suicides result from others refusing to accept their new-found sexual liberation. This is not to mention the even greater cost: simply how much the strength and integrity of the family and even the community is ravaged by all of this. Not just bodies but souls are being shredded right now.

The only out is the Kingdom.

It is in being and interacting with Galatians-Six and Ephesians-Four people, knowing that in the long run God is not mocked. All the lies emanating from the System in all of the things illuminated in this post will come undone, and in the end you'll either rejoice in His assured deliverance from your part in all of that because of Christ's saving blood, or you'll want the mountains to fall on top of you to try and keep from experiencing God's wrath that will come upon people who've been just fine with the ways they've hurt others. Take a look-see at Jesus talking about that, really -- it is there in the 23th chapter of Luke.

Very sobering, and if you're up for seeing that, go to the Kingdom, listen to Him, and then speak meaningfully about all this to those who God puts in your path who need to hear it. It may be hard, but if it is His word it's all good.


The NHL player addressed in this post was Ivan Provorov, and he is the one in the posted photograph, one from the Philadelphia Inquirer. 



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