What It Is, Human Sacrifice Edition, Part II

The World System does human sacrifice. Today. Everywhere to everyone. It is done in dozens of different ways in the most imaginatively pertinent and mostly imperceptible ways. It is carried out at the behest of the militantly religious and insidiously brilliant deepest state operatives working within the Roman Ecclesiocracy. And yes, it is all accomplished by God's permission for the divine purpose of regulating the behavior of reprobate people, those who simply refuse to appropriate righteousness in the only place it can be found: Jesus Christ.

In my last post I'd written a bit about how the System has utterly whacked out what we are to think about the critically important thing sexuality, you know, that we all know it is perfectly fine for people to put their genitals against any other living being they want as long as it is "consensual," that enough people should wave rainbow-type banners or wear the appropriate ribbons to show how tolerant and not-mean they are, and that certain people crucial to advancing the System's objectives or elevating the pronounced mythology get a pass on any semblance of chastity.

They are having their Davos meeting this week and it is common knowledge now that quite a few "escort service employees" were flown in for the occasion. This is where the real World power-brokers are doing the exceptionally hard work of deciding things on behalf of the most noble "Great Reset" arrangements, mind you. The courts still have not shared why in the world someone like renowned madam Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison when there are no officially registered victims of her crimes, since apparently Jeffrey Epstein who-didn't-kill-himself did not after all have a sex-farm island occupied by underage girls nor did any guest list actually exist containing the names of those who benefitted from his hospitality.

The last thing I want to be in my webzine and blog ministry work is a loud moralizer. Most everyone knows what is going on here, they just don't seem to know the expanse of it as a legitimately authoritative practice of the Ecclesiocracy. 97% of any remonstration you read about any of it concludes with something about resisting it or rebelling against it or starting the new revolution against it. Ick.

I do agree that the only thing that works, in the end, is something of a secessionist movement, because sorry, you cannot make common cause and have real community with those committed to those leftist agenda items. All those things are wickedly ugly, and the resulting culture war is just as ugly -- that too is part of the human sacrifice program. All perfectly fine for maximum sin management success. 

That secession can be the political kind where certain places may separate from other places, forming new geographic boundaries, you know like they did at the beginning of the US Civil War. Already almost all of the eastern half of Oregon has voted affirmatively on the nascent stages of joining with the state of Idaho. Other such considerations have been in the works for years now.

It can be technological simply through sequestering yourself within your home and having community online with like-minded people. That's already happening now, but with the human need for physical proximity interaction it makes it hard, especially when your children are going to a school whose leadership is sympathetic to the sodomist cause and may even not-so-subtly endorse it or even actually sponsor exhibitions of things like drag shows.

There is simply too much enflaming the culture war to dismiss this inevitability. And we're not even touching on the massively disruptive impact of the waves of migrants entering the country, the absurd bastardizations of commercial activity particularly with regards to the reckless devaluing of the dollar through MMT theorizing as well as the massive scamming being done with crypto and ESG policies, and to top it off all the preposterous Covid lockdown mandating that for all that has been revealed about how nonsensical, unscientific, and just plain lethal it all has been, they're still doing it.

And they won't stop doing it because as sworn mandarins dutifully following the religious precepts of Cain's Legacy, they can do nothing other.

The problem is unless you have some critical mass of people in your newly seceded political or technological state who are dwelling richly in the Kingdom exclusively by the rulership of Jesus Christ, its residents will still heed the hegemonic instructions of Rome. Doesn't matter where you are, who you are, how spiffy your spankin' new ultra-righteous community is, if it isn't Christ's it is Caesar's, and it is just another part of the Ecclesiocracy.

Again, that is not a bad thing, mind you, because by God's purposes Caesar does do a bit of something to keep people from murdering one another. There is a lot of murdering going on, certainly, but by God's grace and His grace alone does He allow any of it so anyone who looks at it, sees it for what it is, becomes as aghast at it as they really should...

Will turn to Christ and be truly liberated from that Hell.

Yes that involves repentance, forswearing all that stuff in favor of following the things Jesus said, actually doing those things. It involves entering into a meaningful communion with Him by reading His words and prayerfully fellowshipping with others who desire His mercy and grace woven into everything they do. And yes, that does require that other kind of secession.

The spiritual secession.

Yes, I firmly believe that involves something called "abjuring the realm." While some in eastern Oregon may break away into "Greater Idaho," and others may hole themselves up within the four walls of their home and just live online in the social media world, or even heaven-forbid in The Metaverse -- or you know, there is still that personal secessionist action that so many have been employing for millennia: Just get drunk -- just get pasted on some addictive chemical that will numb the pain, you can check out, you can even overdose and just kill yourself anyway. Canada has gotten some news coverage about its new program to encourage people to do just that, only a bit more officially and painlessly.

Abjuring the realm? That means being in community with some vibrant worship assembly who have a commitment to being ungrafted to the World. Meet up with like-minded disciples, talk meaningfully about all of this with Scripture as your guide, and then get rid of all those contractual obligations Caesar expects of those who must live by the ruthless instruments of the law. For the standard Christian-oriented church that is an officially registered non-profit tax-exempt arrangement with the secular political entity. Why have that when you are living solely by the Truth and Grace that is Christ and the only debt or tribute you owe is one of love? Why refuse to acknowledge that the ruler holds no offense against one who does well? Why do you feel you have to write it down for the System when by the Kingdom you are doing wonderfully already living by the beautiful covenant you have with your Father in Heaven?

It also means your "secession" cannot be moving into a remote hyper-Christian compound somewhere. This secession is only spiritual -- Christ asks His followers to physically mix it up with others, you know what He said, "The sick need a physician." You are asked to be that physician ministering His healing, grace, joy, peace, salvation, and righteousness to those around you. Jesus said nothing about Rome, nothing, and it was a dominant force all around Him. He let it be to do its thing, which as you also know just as much was ultimately complicit in His execution. Otherwise Jesus knew Rome had its job to do, just as it does today. "My Kingdom is not of this World" He Himself said.

Finally, I have to share a brief remark about this dude, Konstantin Kisin, some guy in a viral video who said some profound things. In the video he looked like some British legislator in a debate session of some sort, but apparently this was just some forum and he himself is just a comedian of some sort.

But what he said in the video resonated widely, and for good reason. Here's the thing though. Really, the principled things he said are already the principled things the Bible shares. Every righteous word he said you'd be hard pressed not to see somewhere in Proverbs, for one. One of those proverbs, a good one just to start: "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives." That was from the 11th chapter of Proverbs.

Why are we waiting around for someone like this to tell us things we already have at our fingertips? Where are those with His name on their lips and His word in their hearts to richly and deeply share with others so we may understand and know -- understand and know Him. Look at the ninth chapter of Jeremiah to get a better idea of all that -- there's even a little bit of secessionist talk in that chapter! Look! You'll see it there.

Be ready for more of the standard human sacrifice activity out there. It is just getting revved up, really.  What you've been seeing so far has in large part been very small parts. It will metastasize even more and it will look quite gruesome. The commitment to resist may feel energizing for a bit, but it is futile and really just continues to feed the ravenous beast.

You can go over to the Kingdom, though, and be genuinely free.

The image of Davos is from Reuters. The image of Konstantin Kisin is from the New York Post.


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